~Accepted In The Beloved~
I’ve kissed you with My eternal Love. Sealed you in My heart. I am faithful and I am true. Nothing can separate us! I’ve promised I’d never ever leave you, nor will I forsake you. My strength is made perfect in your weakness. In Me, you are made strong! Let me kiss you with […]
Rise Up Warrior!
Some of you are in marriages where one believing partner is wounded in the fight. I hear the Spirit of God saying, Rise up Warrior! I saw a picture of a battle field. Soldiers together armed and dangerous and in the fight of their lives. Ambushed and set upon from every side. Yet, this army […]
United & Powerful!
In the early hours of 17th February 2014 I had a vision. The Father’s message is, “The world is going to see the greatest outpouring of love ever seen. I am Love and I am coming in a wave to the Bride and through the Bride. Multitudes of souls will be awakened to My love […]
Destiny Lives In You
“Come and drink of me, from My fountain that never runs dry. Enter into my courts with praise and soak in the joy of My presence. I am the One who breathed life in you forming you in your mother’s womb! Nothing and No-one can satisfy your thirst, like I can. Destiny lives […]
Healing in His Wings
The words ‘healing in His wings’ have been intercepting my thoughts this week. As I was praying and pondering, I felt some were struggling with a sense of defeat in seeing dreams and promises fulfilled in their lives. Promises – after many years not yet fulfilled and some were becoming weary in the waiting. Cunning […]
Empowered from on High
“Shake off the shackles, those perceptions that are not my thoughts, says the Spirit of God. Those things that hinder you and hold you back from stepping out. You are salt and light and you are empowered from on high! You can do all things through Me. I AM your endorsement, says the Spirit of […]
Perfect in the Son
Grace says, “You are perfect in My sight. White as snow; a delight. I see you, complete in My Love.” Galatians 3: 25-27 But now you have arrived at your destination: By faith in Christ you are in direct relationship with God. Your baptism in Christ was not just washing you up for a fresh start. It […]
The Harvest
In a vision this week, I saw a picture of a tapestry with a multitude of squares. Each square represented a field. The fields had family names on them. Some of the fields were being harvested. Other fields were being tilled and the soil sowen with fresh seed for future harvests. There was a sense […]
Living in The Present
Today is a Gift! “My presence is My gift to you, says the Spirit of God. I am the Greatest Gift. (Jesus). There is power in My name. Tune yourself in to what lays within. I want you present today to enjoy the gift of this day. I want you alert and awake, aware of […]
Rest In My Love
Not by might, nor by power but by My Spirit says the Lord! Zechariah 4:6 Rest in My Love as Grace propels you forward in this life! “I’ve promised you much and I’ve shown you your inheritance. You see un-level ground in front of you yet, I have set a path before you […]