God calls you “Mighty Prayer Warrior!”

Fear holds allot of people back from pressing through the obstacles they face. They water down truth to their limited experience of God’s goodness and end up settling for second best. Often becoming defined by their pain and problems and choosing to put down the call of God on their lives, escaping to the shore of comfort and self-preservation.

The call of God remains. God is ever patient and waits looking to the horizon for His son/daughter to “Come Home”.

Home is a heart to heart, truth based, real, vibrant, honest, love connection with Jesus! Home is where the gold is! True riches are found in the heart of Jesus. We need to press in further and deeper into God’s heart when we face adversity or un-certainty. More than ever! It’s not the time to pull back, tone down, letting fear camp in your home. You need to DRIVE it out! (refrain from negative self-talk or listening to other’s whinge).

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment.” 1 John 4:18

I went through an intense, intense war with the spirit of fear 18 months ago. It was so bad, I rang a prophet friend and some close friends who were covering me in prayer. I was under a massive assault (spiritual) after a series of traumatic events happened in our family. I thought I was going to die, it was that intense! This spirit tormented me for many weeks. It was a harrowing time. At this time, I also had an incredible time in God’s presence. I was due for varicose vein surgery and was going through what I can only say seemed like a grief period, where the dreams and visions God had placed in my heart seemed to be utterly dead. It was a tough, tough time. Although God was there, I was pummeled with lie after lie from the enemy. The enemy hates it when we preach the Gospel! Six weeks later, Spirit Fuel in USA asked me to write for them!


There is NO condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. Don’t allow the fear you face to put you in a prison of shame. Confess to someone who is TRUSTWORTHY and get prayer support. Listen to these words first though- (I’ve learnt the hard way..)

“Don’t share your pain or struggle with everyone. If they can’t help you out of the pit, it’s none of their business. Protect your anointing! Take it to Jesus!”…Kimberly Jones Pothier

It’s just the beginning friend!

You are called to be salt and light and all things bright. You are a soul winner, on the winning side and although we are in a war, the battle has been won. Victory belongs to us through Jesus. We just need to rest in that truth and press on forward, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. ” Proverbs 3:5-6 . There is no better way.

“The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much”. James 5:16b. You are that righteous man/woman!

Pray up a storm for those God lays on your heart! Don’t be afraid the disease they are faced with will come at you!.

Go for it!

Prayer Changes Everything!!! You usher in the presence of God and see miracles take place as you go for it.. even if it’s the 100th time you prayed. Keep going. You will breakthrough in God’s Power, for someone else! (and yourself!). It’s so thrilling seeing lives restored, healed and delivered! Share the testimony’s. One by one. They build faith in other’s and saturate the airways with TRUTH in LOVE!

All My Love,



Prophetic Book of Poetry

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