Word for 2016- “Rest, something big is coming!”

I felt to share today what the Lord has shown me for the year ahead, today being the beginning of the Jewish New Year. September 14th 2015 until October 2nd, 2016. (No special favors for being Jewish. Galatians 3:28). I believe God is speaking to me through the calendar dates. I asked the Lord to give me a word for the year ahead and this is what He said,

“Rest. Something big is coming, bigger than you’ve ever dreamed or imagined!”

The Hebrew year is 5776 on the Jewish Calendar. I sought the Lord further and I believe He spoke the following to me;

5= It’s a year of you being, “astonished by His grace as you seek His face.” “A year of abundance and increased favor with God and with man.” “God is giving fresh strength and strategy in this year to the apostles, the prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Each of those and Everyone of us!”

7= It’s a year to “rest and be blessed” with greater revelation of his divine perfection! Psalm 12:6 (TPT) “For every word God speaks is sure and every promise pure. His truth is tested, found to be flawless, and ever faithful. It’s pure as sterling silver, refined seven times in a crucible of clay. (the clay furnace is the heart of man).

7= It’s a year to “To be fully satisfied and have more than enough!” I see many miracles being released through you, by Yahweh, the self-existent One. The source of all blessing El Shaddai, God- who is more than enough! (Exodus 6:1-9.) The Hebrew for seven is shevah, from the root sevah, which means “full/satisfied/have enough of” (page 493, The Divinity Code reference book 2011, A.F Thompson & A Beale.)

6= It’s a year to rest. (six full days bring us to seven: rest). Ruth 3:15-18 (page 503, The Divinity Code reference book 2011, A/F Thompson & A Beale.)


“Christ’s “rest” is not a “rest” from work, but in work, “not the rest of inactivity but of the harmonious working of all the faculties and affections of will, heart, imagination, conscience- because each has found in God the ideal sphere for its satisfaction and development”. (Page 529, Vine, W.E, 1873-1949. Complete expository dictionary with topical index. )

“Many have wrestled hard to stay in rest. You’ve faced some fierce battles, in your physical health, mentally and emotionally. For others it’s been family issues and financial hardship. God wants to mop up the mess. He gives you rest! His banner over you is “Rest”.

He wants to clean the ‘lens’s’ of the glasses you see through, wiping away the smudges that have skewed your view. “Intimacy with Me” says the Spirit of God.

“You sparkle in My Glory and Majesty!” says the Spirit of God.

Refreshment is found at ‘the well’! This is where you get well. Listening to His voice as he woos you. Refreshed, you’ll be rearing to go! There is never any ‘push’ in God. The devil does the pushing. Seek God’s face. Take time to do what you need to do and He will come through. You’ll produce more in a year with God, than seven on your own.

God’s timing is perfect- always. His burden is light. Stand on the truth! Don’t be bullied out of rest! The intimidation and push you’ve felt to clean up ‘the mess’ is not from God! He will provide and He will guide. Matthew 11:29 (TPT) “Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me. For all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear.”

THE GREAT AWAKENING- this is what’s coming in the years ahead! 2016 on..

The Lord reminded me as I was preparing this word of a vision He gave me on 17th February 2014. Then He spoke into my spirit saying;

“The world is going to see the greatest outpouring of Love ever seen. I am Love and I am coming in a wave to the Bride and through My Bride. Multitudes of souls will be awakened to Me in this hour. I am breathing fresh wind into the hearts of my Sons and Daughters and a great awakening is taking place in the Church and through the Church. The wind of my Spirit is ushering in this harvest of souls. This great awakening will predominantly take place through a united Bride.”

A mighty move of God is taking place in this hour as hearts get re-fired in the body of Christ. A fresh wave of God’s glory sweeping the earth! The King of Glory revealing Himself to un-believers through obedient lovers, consumed by love!


I see revival ushered in by women and children in this hour! Their prayers like seeds, bursting through soil called ‘trust’. The shining Son causing them to grow! God’s see’s the devotion of these hearts. Childlike faith pleases Him! We’ll see a mighty move of God through ordinary women and children in this hour. The prayers of these devoted ones contain the Word of God in power! They are ushering in this great awakening!


The sleepy ones are going to awake to destiny! The sleepers will be awakened by Heaven’s glorious dew and untold new converts will come through! Precious born again believers who have been going through the motions, wounded in the fight. These sleepers are going to wake-up and it’s going to take this remnant, this body of awake ones, that are tuned in, to usher in this next mighty move of God! The glory of God will cover the earth.

It’s an exciting time. Leaderships, Churches, Families and Individuals refreshed! Take care of your body, for the harvest that’s coming in is great! Sleeves rolled up, we’ll need energy. Rearing to go, discipling nations!


El Shaddai will provide and there will be more than enough! I see a great release of provision in this next mighty move of God across the entire body of Christ. We’ll see a huge gush- a massive open pipe, flooding provision into the body of Christ. Perceived limitations won’t be barriers anymore as lens’s will be clean. Eyes will see, the King of Glory. Sold out devotion, hearts surrendered, beating as One. Revival looks like hearts on fire! The provision of God will flow and many will go! Led by Love.

God is doing a great work in and through His global body!



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