Holy Spirit Fire!

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I see many of you awakening to destiny in this hour! Consumed by fire! Awe struck! No longer satisfied with residue, but hungry for more! A feast awaits you! Delicious delights, as you sit at the table with the Lord, in the presence of your enemies. This is Wisdom. He prepares a table for me for all my enemies to see. Psalm 23:5

Such fire!

I see the tangible presence of God upon you as you come from seeking His face. On your bedroom floor, from your prayer meeting, waking up from that encounter, having laid resting on your bed.

Father God wants to explode in and through you in ways you can only ever of imagined!

You are called and qualified! You enter into His presence with faith like a child. Bold as a lion! He has you covered!

Hebrews 10:19 Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter into the Holiest by the blood of Jesus.

Expect good things to happen! The power of God will be released in and through your life in tremendous power in this hour!

We don’t cook up a feast to dine with God. He’s already sent the invitation, laid the table, prepared the banquet. We simply respond and come. We come just as we are with all our failings, insecurities and our weakness.

“I don’t see your faults”, says the Spirit of God.

“It’s not about you. It’s all about ME.”

Many of you will be walking through your shopping centers and places of business, and the ones and two’s will start to come to you. They will ask you questions in this next season. Things are speeding up in this hour. It’s imperative that we take time to be still and know. People are going to ask you for healing. They are going to ask you to speak into their lives and situations and as you take time to pause and stop for a few minutes, you will have golden opportunities to release words of life, healing and hope into people’s lives!

It’s God who is the miracle maker! Miracles are His specialty! You will see many miracles unfold through your life. Contend for miracles! Cry out to God! You cannot produce a miracle of yourself. It’s God who does the miracle(s).

We are simply the agents (carriers) of His Glory. Jars of clay, we avail ourselves being poured out as a drink offering. Surrendering to the heart of God who is love, we yield. We put our trust in God and not our human strength.

With God, all things are possible! The world is your oyster! Go for it!

You are born for such a time as this! Humble yourself before God. Worship Him in Spirit and Truth. Exercise the spiritual gifts. Trust God and step out! From the banqueting table to the streets!


Prophetic Book of Poetry

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