
New Breed

I heard the words, “Calm before the storm” as I was dialoguing with the Holy Spirit about 2017 this week. We’ve entered a season and time of breakthrough, victory and changing of atmosphere’s. The truth of God’s Love and power is being seen and experienced by the world in this hour! The Bride is alive and […]

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Recompense, Restoration, Reversal!

Two weeks ago, I woke up in the early hours of the morning. I was reminded of a vision that I had on January 1st, 2011 around 12pm while having a midday nap. In this encounter while resting on my bed, a fireman came alongside my arm. There was also a firetruck in the vision. I […]

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2017 is the year of divine turnarounds and the REVERSALS have begun!! The Holy Spirit is excited for you and so am I!! You’ll be overwhelmed by His goodness as you experience the reversals to what you’ve lost as they’ve begun!! The Holy Spirit spoke these words to me today, “Reversal, reversal, reversal! The worst […]

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Unchartered Waters

I see Father’s hand guiding you out onto unchartered waters. You’re going into waters not yet seen. His presence and power taking you out further than you’ve ever dreamed! I see you moving into new sphere’s of influence! Sphere’s you’re not familiar with, you’re not comfortable with, you’re not sure of, but GOD IS WITH YOU! […]

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Pursue My Presence

I see supernatural transfers taking place as you sit at the King’s table in 2017. Father has a baptism of fire for you! You’re going to stand up from feasting at Father’s table with a fresh authority! As you decree, MIRACLES YOU WILL SEE. “Come feast and sit with Me. I’ve laid a banquet table […]

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Eagles Nest- the overcoming life!

EAGLES NEST- THE OVERCOMING LIFE The army of God is arising, strong and mighty! Many are awakening to destiny, shaking off mental shackles, setting aside differences, linking arms and marching forward! Unity and fortitude, your courage through adversity thrill the heart of the Father! Jesus has provided ALL that you need to overcome against ALL odds! […]

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Grace Upon Grace

All week, bubbling up from my spirit, I’ve heard the words, “Grace upon Grace!” I’ve felt like a school girl every time I’ve heard these words, as there’s such an excitement full of expectation in these words. What’s in store thrills my heart even more! Jesus is enough! Yet, Father is saying, “There is more in store! I AM […]

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You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet!

In a dream last week I was aboard a huge passenger plane, loaded to the maximum! The presence of God was being released through words of blessing spoken by a woman on the passenger plane. As the woman walked the isle of the plane the passengers all bowed their heads in reverance and those wearing […]

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Party In Heaven

There’s a momentum that’s been building and Heaven is celebrating as many will taste and see the King of Glory revealed through you and through me!! Many will turn and see! I’ve been hearing the word ‘momentum’ with an excitement that makes my spirit sing, ringing in my ears in the past few weeks! Merriam […]

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2017 Miracles For All To See

You’re going to see a radical transfer in 2017! The deposit of faith within you is coming to the forefront. WHAT’S INSIDE OF YOU IS COMING OUT! Many miracles will be seen in 2017! The nature of God in seed form is going to burst in and through you in 2017! Many will awaken to […]

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