
Glory Carriers

I hear the sound of angel’s feet. I hear the angel Justice singing this decree over you saying, “Just as it is in Heaven let it be in your earthly life today!” This is Heaven’s declaration over you and your family! “Just as it is in Heaven let it be in your earthly life today!” The King Of Glory […]

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Miracles of Mercy

“Miracles you will see as you walk with Me! I’ve prepared you and I’m sending you. This is your time, this is your hour. How will others know if you won’t go? Miracles of mercy will flow as you go! You are full of My power in this hour! Miracles you will see as you […]

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Believers Will Believe and Miracles They’ll Receive!

  Holy Spirit reminded me of the word, ‘2017, is the Year of the Sword.’ this week. I received this word last year after I had an encounter with an angel called TRUTH. As I pondered this word this week, I heard Holy Spirit say, “Believers will believe and miracles they’ll receive!’ The HOPE of […]

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Fire of Love

I see men and women arising in power in this hour! I see the lion and the lamb. The lion is roaring as the lamb lifts His loved ones up! I see the lies of the enemy extinguished in the fire of love! I see sleepers awakening. Delivered from fear, receiving God’s love. Many sleepers experiencing the fire of […]

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Joyful June!

Those who’ve sowen in tears will reap in joy. I see a mighty outpouring of JOY in June! Your rainy days are over, the sun has arrived! There’s a shift that’s taking place, a confidence you’ve not known before. I see you running with renewed strength as you wait upon the Lord in June. This […]

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The Spirit of God is leading many of you into unknown territory. Just as God instructed Joshua to lead His people, I hear the Spirit of God saying, “Be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 Father […]

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SUDDENLY This is a season of sudden turnarounds! Lost loved ones will be found! Spiritually dead they’ll come alive!! LOVE is turning everything around! Suddenly you will see! Deliverance is here, deception must flee! I see loved ones laying down offense discovering their true identity! Love will set them free! No longer trapped in the […]

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Miracles Amid Your Mess!

MIRACLES AMID YOUR MESS You’re going to see a miracle bursting onto the scene that will make the mightiest of men meek! I see miracles busting out! Men will glean as they see miracles amid your mess and they will become clean! (Be made alive in Christ!) You’re in for the ride of your life! […]

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IT’S PAYBACK TIME! I see recompense and restoration at your door! What the enemy stole through your lack of knowledge is being restored! Something good is going to happen, something good is in store! Endless opportunities are going to knock on your door! Where the enemy plundered your camp and stole from you has gone […]

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Dreams Alive

Many dreamers are going to experience resurrection power to their dreams in this hour! The dream you once had when hope was high, you thought had died buried in the sands of time. Father says, “Your dream is alive, let hope arise! It’s not dead, your dream is alive!” Breaking out by the power of […]

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