You’re Going From the Pit to the Palace!!!

This is your time and this is your hour!
The bondage breaker knows your name!! Your time of being hidden and in hiding has come to its end!
You shall see a ten fold recompense as a rod of God’s power!
Shame isn’t your middle name!
The testing times have been the resting times! You haven’t always seen, tasted or known, but in these times you have grown!
The faithful one has brought you THROUGH and now it’s time for all things new!
You’ve grown ‘fat’ in anointing! The heavy yolk you once carried has been smashed off you as the LOVE of God has cascaded over you!!
You are free to BE and miracles of love you shall see! It’s time to celebrate! ALL OF HEAVEN IS backing you!!
You are covered in glory, from tip to toe!
You’re a forerunner and now it’s time to GO! You shall see a demonstration of the power of love breaking free to those around you as you FLOW!
You’re going places you only dreamed or imagined! You shall travel far and wide and miracles of love you shall see!
You are a bondage breaker! One who knows how to loose captives and set hearts FREE!!
All you’ve walked THROUGH has been preparation; NOW you will see a powerful demonstration of  the King of Glory being revealed!
Laid down lover, you’ve gone from the pit to the palace!
You are royalty, one who’s found in destiny!
Revelation 19: 11-16 The Passion Translation
The Bridegroom-King on the White Horse
“Then I saw heaven opened, and suddenly a white horse appeared. The name of the one riding it was Faithful and True, and with pure righteousness he judges and rides into battle. He wore many regal crowns, and his eyes were flashing like flames of fire. He had a secret inscribed on him that’s only known to himself. He wore a robe dipped in blood, and his title is called the Word of God. Following him on white horses were the armies of heaven, wearing white fine linen, pure and bright. A sharp sword came from his mouth with which to conquer the nations and he will shepherd them with an iron scepter. He will trample out the wine in the winepress of the wrath of God. On his robe and on his thigh he had inscribed a name: King of Kings and Lord of Lords.”

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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