Arise one and all!
Last night in a dream, I heard these words repeatedly, “My presence, My power, My provision.” The presence of God was so inviting and the words full of total confidence. I woke up and started decreeing FULLNESS and a release of ALL He has to do the work He has called each of us to […]
Commissioned! Signed, Sealed and Delivered!
I saw a picture of the Bride armed as a Warrior. Armed with all the spiritual weapons required to walk in victory this side of eternity. (Ephesians 6). We have the belt of truth and the helmet of salvation. We have the breastplate of righteousness and we wear sandals of peace. We have the Word of God in our hand- […]
Hope Arise!
In a dream this week, I saw a horse leading a gun carriage carrying a coffin laden with fragrant flowers. The carriage was proceeding through the main street of a city. I saw a beautifully dressed woman and noticed the splendid shoes she wore as she walked behind the carriage. The shoes were purple. Out […]
Speak To The Gold!
I saw a picture this week of a swimming pool full of precious gems. The colours were glorious! Each and every gem represented an individual, a family, a legacy! “Speak to the gold, in those you see. Pluck out the gems that I see. Mercy triumphs over judgement, and I ask that you speak words […]
Glory Wave
“Give Me the affections of you heart. Seek Me first and everything you need will be added to you. Abandon your heart to Me. I will never leave you, nor will I disappoint you! I’ll definitely never forsake you. Let the well of life flow. The spring within, let it go and everything will flow! […]
With God All Things Are Possible!
I see a divine acceleration as you stay in your lane. Your ‘lane’ is the God calling, desires and passion placed in your heart. Coupled with the gifts and talents bestowed upon you from your Heavenly Father. I hear the spirit of God say, “Continue on in the path I have appointed for you. Keep […]
Wonders That Never Cease!
Many of you will experience miracle after miracle in the days that lay ahead. With Holy Spirit’s power, I decree that many miracles you will see! You’ve bowed your knee, cried out in your darkest night, wiped away many tears, with your eyes fixed on your truest love! The King of Glory has seen and He has heard! With […]
A November to Remember!
False mindsets and heavy burdens are about to be lifted as many of you experience divine favor in November. He carries healing in his wings and he’s going to release such favor over you that it will astonish those around you! Those in your family will see the King of Glory resting on you. This […]
You’re at Tipping Point!
Many of you are at the tipping point.. “The things you’ve stood unwavering for, you’ve not given in or thrown in the towel are coming true!!” You’ve pressed into His presence despite of great opposition. The enemy of your soul has targeted you through affliction. He’s been after your momentum! He’s tried to get your […]
I saw the arrows of God pointed straight at you! The POWER, PRESENCE, PROVISION of Heaven aimed right at you! What was sent to break you is going to be the making of you! You are a target of love! No weapon formed against you shall prosper! The arrows of discord and turmoil will turn […]