Miracles of Mercy

“Miracles you will see as you walk with Me! I’ve prepared you and I’m sending you. This is your time, this is your hour. How will others know if you won’t go? Miracles of mercy will flow as you go! You are full of My power in this hour! Miracles you will see as you trust Me. There’s no better time to come and follow Me.”

“Miracles of mercy triumph over judgement, pointing to Me! My Love was poured out for ALL to receive! Won’t you release My Love to those you see? You are My lighthouse pointing to Me! Don’t run and hide, My love will provide. Strength is found in Me.”

“Satan is the father of lies. He comes to taunt you and to haunt you. Don’t waste an inch of energy, you belong to Me, not the liar, whose come to steal your destiny!! There’s no better time to come and follow Me.”

“I am your delicious feast. Come out of the cave and into the city. This is where I’ve called you to be with Me. Come now, you can trust Me. Miracles of mercy will bring other’s to Me.”

“I will never let you down. You are My perfect prize. My love never falters and it never fails. Miracles of mercy you will see as you partner with Me! I’ve raised you. Together we’ll set captives free! Out of darkness into light, many will take flight!”

“I’ve created you to stand out, now let out a shout! The darkness will flee as you keep your eyes on Me! Together, we’ll succeed! I’ve given you My power, My love and My mind. Do not fear!! The battle belongs to Me.”

2 Timothy 1:6-7
“I’m writing to encourage you to fan into a flame and rekindle the fire of the spiritual gift of God imparted to you, for the anointing was activated when I laid my hand upon you. Keep the inner power of your spiritual gifts alive and strong! For God will never give you the spirit of cowardly fear, but He has given you the mighty spirit of power, love and revelation light!”



Prophetic Book of Poetry

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