God In the Midst!

I hear the Spirit of God saying,

“I’m bringing you through into all things new! I’m restoring the lost and wasted years. I am sending to you grain, wine and oil and you will be satisfied. What the locusts have eaten, I am bringing you double! I’m giving you the spoils of victory!”

“The giants in the land, I’m placing in your hand! Arise and see, I’ve placed you in the land of milk and honey!”

“You’re going to experience greater communion with Me. By My Spirit together we’ll set captives free!” Joel 2

“I AM IN THE MIDST and my angels are bringing you the spoils of victory!”

“Grain, wine and oil, you will see! I’m turning your trials into triumph and jubilee!

“Look to Me, My eye is on the sparrow, I’ve set you free!”


Prophetic Book of Poetry

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