Voices of Freedom
I had the most exciting dream this morning. I was watching a gigantic whale moving up and down swimming along on the surface of the sea. She was surrounded by a pod of dolphins. In a helicopter circling above the whale and dolphins was the prophet Graham Cooke! He gasped at her beauty and said, […]
Stewards Positioned and Commissioned
“My Glory rests upon you My pioneer. I’ve called you. You ARE chosen. I’ve positioned you and I’ve commissioned you! Nothing and no one can stop My purposes! Continue to put your trust in Me. I will part your red sea!” “I call you by Name. You answer to Me. I AM the great I […]
The Party
I had the most extraordinary dream last night and the setting was a great big party! It was a party that was full of purity and life! One massive celebration! In the dream there were rooms within rooms. I was walking through all these rooms and in one room, I was sitting on a throne […]
Fire Starters!
I saw a picture of FIRE STARTERS all over the globe this morning. Young and old. Some were in their 60’s upwards and ran with such wisdom of the years they had gained. They were sold out lovers, not ruffled by the cares of the world. Ones who’d learnt to lay down offenses again and […]
Look To Me
“The things that distract you from My Presence, lay them aside, place them down and look to Me. The problems that come to irritate and agitate you, lay them aside and look to Me. Concerns and worries that you face, lay them aside and look to Me. I Am Strong and have you covered! I […]
It’s a New Day
“A NEW DAY HAS DAWNED. I see many of you coming into newness. I see newness all around you. I see old things being made brand new! I see you skipping and frolicking like a lamb in Father’s pasture. Fed, nourished, watered. Jesus defines you! I see greater depths of the Peace of God flowing […]
Holy Spirit Fire
A PAUSE IS POWERFUL “Father wants to lavish you with His love today! I see you encountering the kisses of Heaven as you pause in His presence. Receive, drink and eat all that you can. He has a wonderful plan. A future that’s bright. I see Him lifting you up, revealing the awesomeness of His […]
Full of Power!
In a dream this week, I was in a room with a bunch of music people. Some of the folk were worship leaders of churches, then in a later part of the dream I was aware that I was hosting in my home an internationally known band who were touring my country. It was the […]
Ushering in the King of Glory!
I saw a picture this morning of the earth and I saw people like trees in this vision. The Spirit of God was flowing through the trees sweeping across the earth and the glory of God was in the middle and around each tree. The glory was spinning faster than the speed of light! I […]
Persistant Prayer Breaks Walls of Resistance!
Your persistent faithfulness pleases God! He delights in meeting your expectation of Him! When you call upon Him, it’s His pleasure to meet those needs above and beyond! He pours His spirit out and apposing things take flight! (are annihilated). He is Justice. It’s His way to restore what is just; upright; righteous! In a […]