Feast Don’t Fight

In times of battle history tells us more often than not, battles are won through tactics (planned response) and not big guns (biggest/best equipment). The same goes for the battle you’re facing right now. The war that’s on for your soul is real. It’s the small things you can do each day that make a big difference! God’s plan has always been that we would PRAY. In confidence and quietness shall be your strength. (Isaiah 30:15)
The enemy wants to pick a fight! If he can wear you down by getting you to bite, he’ll get you over the barrel worn out in a fight! This is always the time to take a step back and take flight (praise and worship).
The battles you’re facing WILL become dim in LIGHT of Him! Meekness isn’t weakness! It’s a demonstration of the hope of Glory that’s in you, reflecting THROUGH you! In the pressing there’s blessing!!
There’s a BIG turnaround coming your way!! You’re going to see 360degree turnaround! Just WAIT and see!! Father says, “Come and feast with Me. Leave the rest up to Me. ”


Prophetic Book of Poetry

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