
Aboriginal Australians

A few weeks back I had a vision of Ayers Rock and in this vision I saw a mighty whirlwind descending upon this landmark called Uluru. In the whirlwind was the Glory of God and the force in this spin in the wind caused an almighty explosion to take place. The ball exploded over and […]

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The Waltz

Holy Spirit Waltz There’s an invitation by Holy Spirit to come away with him. He’s wooing you as he calls to you. To lead you and to guide you. To sweep you into his everlasting arms. Strong and Mighty is he! He wants you to hear his whisper as you nestle in close. He is […]

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Financial Release!

The wealth of nations is being poured into the hands of righteous men and women in these days. The first shall be last and the last shall be first. Those whose hearts have remained steadfast and faithful will steward the wealth of nations. Extraordinary acts of financial generosity and partnership are about to take place […]

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Love is Eternal

The love we have for one another in marriage is a magnificent gift from God. On a human level we experience love in the form of friendship and romance – both wonderful. Yet as human’s we have weakness’ and imperfections in our natural state. Human love is flawed at its best. When we excessively attach […]

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The Victor’s Crown!

Jesus is your reward! He wears the Victor’s Crown! He lives in you, the hope of Glory! All those in Christ having received the gift of righteousness will receive a crown of righteousness when He returns. You will be rewarded for all the good works you have done in his name, for his Glory! You […]

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~Banner of Love~

God sees us perfect with a new nature! It’s opposite to the Gospel to somehow think that we have to add to or complete what Jesus has already done. It is Finished, means it is done. Sin has been dealt with and our Heavenly Father relates to us through His beloved Son. Revelation 13:8 Jesus, […]

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King Jesus!

He is The Lion of the Tribe of Judah . Your Victory Song! Heavenly hosts have been sent to watch over you! Worship Him in Spirit and Truth. King of every King! Lord of Lords! Breathe that in. Majesty! Worship His Majesty! There is power in the name of Jesus! Praise be to God Lamb […]

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His Eye is on the Sparrow~ He watches over You!

Your life, it’s destined to bring Glory and Honor to God! You carry Heaven’s richest deposit. Everything you need to live out the plans He has for you -lives in you! Speak it out. His eye is on the sparrow~ He watches over you. Every intricate detail of your life. It’s important. The hairs on […]

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It’s a New Day!

I felt this word was for an individual as well as a general word of encouragement to share. I heard the words ‘bank teller’ as I was praying today. I believe there is a single working Mom out there with three children asking “Where is God in my situation?” Maybe you work in a bank? […]

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