Grace Upon Grace


All week, bubbling up from my spirit, I’ve heard the words, “Grace upon Grace!” I’ve felt like a school girl every time I’ve heard these words, as there’s such an excitement full of expectation in these words. What’s in store thrills my heart even more! Jesus is enough! Yet, Father is saying,

“There is more in store! I AM the door and I AM opening up door upon door!  Your current ceiling will become your floor!”

Some of you feel like your ship hasn’t come in. The horse has bolted and you’re no longer on it! I’ve got a secret to tell you! You are IN the ship! Jesus IS the ship! You’re forever anchored to the HOPE of GLORY who’s inside you! There’s a glorious outpouring of God’s grace coming UPON you that’s going to launch you into destiny in 2017!

Grace upon Grace and an increase of favor with God and with man is yours in 2017!

Other’s of you are going to experience extreme favor that delivers you from rejection and poverty mindsets! Literally, an act of God that demonstrates His outrageous love that’s beyond your wildest dreams for you! You are going to see untold miracles unfold!!!

444 continues to come up on my radar this past week as well. 4 represents a door. There’s an upgrade in the realm of the Spirit here and now! Father’s saying,

“Grace upon Grace! Come up higher, let Me show you what I see. I’ve given you eyes to see, now let it be. The spiritual tools I’ve given you, enable you to enter the destiny I’ve called you to.”

I see upgrade. Get your hopes up! Get excited! I see you coming up higher, seeing things with eyes of faith and calling that which is not into being! You are called, you are chosen, you are anointed and appointed!

There’s a two-fold increase I see for many of you. Firstly, you are going to experience Grace upon grace! Progress which would normally take decades will fall into place by His supernatural GRACE! Many will marvel and see, HE IS GRACE!

Secondly, I see an increase of favor with God and man. Many are going to encounter divine breakthrough in 2017. The things you’ve been contending for, the preparation, your faithfulness, your willingness to live and move and have your being in Him, this is the platform, He will launch you from! I see divine set ups! New connections! New beginnings! New business concepts and miraculous conception(s) taking place!

You are greatly loved! You carry the DNA of Heaven! The moment you placed your trust in Him, the deposit of faith you need was fully deposited in you! You’ve prepared well, you’ve kept your heart free from offense. With faith and patience, you WILL inherit the promises! Divine upgrade, grace upon grace, and increase in favor with God and man is yours today!

“Jesus grew in wisdom and maturity, the favor of men increased upon His life for he was greatly loved by God.” The Passion Translation, Luke 2:52

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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