2017 Miracles For All To See

You’re going to see a radical transfer in 2017! The deposit of faith within you is coming to the forefront. WHAT’S INSIDE OF YOU IS COMING OUT! Many miracles will be seen in 2017! The nature of God in seed form is going to burst in and through you in 2017! Many will awaken to destiny! Wearing their robe and ring they will stand up and sing, letting out a shout, no longer filled with doubt! As they sing, they will say “Goodbye” to passivity and fear! God’s love their victory!

I see radical obedience in 2017! The New Covenant rests and relies upon Jesus. We are saved and served by grace and faith alone. Ephesians 2:8-9

In 2017, I see many bursting onto the scene, coming up through the cracks, prevailing through brokenness, utterly saturated in the glory of God! Laid down lovers who won’t move until they experience more! The presence and the power of God, Majesty will be what other’s will see!

Inside of you is a river that never runs dry! The Kingdom realm will be demonstrated through you in a measure that’s uncontainable in 2017! Your thought life is coming into alignment as you arise with healing, having found rest in His wings. Sons and daughters are arising in destiny in 2017!

From the inside out, we’ll see the glory of God revealed and released through glory encounters! There’s a great recompense taking place in 2017 as hearts who’ve surrendered all will yield a full crop! Your family is coming home! Your loved ones will enter in intimacy! And I see bank accounts flourishing!

2017 will be a turning and tipping point for many! Lives will flourish! (You’ll be nourished as you feed on the Word of God!) Strength and strategy will be imparted!
Miracles are going to burst forth in 2017 for all to see!


Prophetic Book of Poetry

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