Party In Heaven

There’s a momentum that’s been building and Heaven is celebrating as many will taste and see the King of Glory revealed through you and through me!! Many will turn and see! I’ve been hearing the word ‘momentum’ with an excitement that makes my spirit sing, ringing in my ears in the past few weeks! Merriam Webster Dictionary states that ‘momentum’ means “strength or force gained by motion or by a series of events.”

Matthew 13 is a prophetic picture of seedtime and harvest. Blind eyes will pop open! Deaf ears will hear and mouths will decree what they see! Don’t despair! The harvest is here!
Father wants to encourage you!

Heaven has heard your cry and seen your faithful pursuit of His presence! You’ve stood unwavering through thick and thin with a heart for the lost to come in! Hearts are ripe for the picking! There’s been much preparation and it’s been decades for some! The world is becoming dim in light of Him!

Seed that was sown and later snatched away for lack of understanding, has been recently re-sown! The Spirit of God has been orchestrating divine set ups! God has been speaking through circumstances, and through people and in many other ways to get the attention of individuals, families and entire communities!

Those that previously heard the message of God’s Kingdom realm but became distracted by trials and tribulations, not allowing the truth to soak right in, these ones are coming home! Many have been on a merry go round of trials and tribulations, some for decades, and the Father sees them! He hears their hearts cry! It’s a NEW DAY! All of Heaven lets out a cheer, these ones the Father holds dear!

The divided hearts, the ones who’ve been distracted by life’s busyness and the love of money, these ones are beginning to awaken to destiny! The illusion of more is loosing its lure. True riches are what’s in store! The demonic stronghold behind the LOVE of money will loose its power. Many of these precious folk have been having dreams and the spirit of God has been drawing them, calling them home! Divided hearts will respond, becoming One in spirit and purpose.

In 2003, my husband Peter and I visited Malawi in Africa. Baptism’s took place in the Sheri River as precious souls received Jesus as their savior. A cooking pot was used to bang the water to keep the crocodiles from devouring those in the water! It was an exciting and eye opening time! The metaphor of the crocodile being a devourer came to mind today. The Holy Spirit is opening blind eyes NOW and the devourer won’t have authority in these lives anymore!

Many will take a stand and receive!

I see a MULTITUDE of individuals and families crossing over into the Kingdom of Heaven!
Spiritual eyes being opened, deliverance from the old, decisions being made, lives no longer held captive and afraid!

There’s a party going on in Heaven! Excitement’s in the air! Many will sit at the King’s table and eat the finest fare, entering into God’s Kingdom, no longer held captive by the Prince of the air!

Momentum is building!

Seeds are germinating! Hearts will receive the King of Glory, bowing their knee to THE KING OF KINGS, no longer held captive, they will WALK FREE!

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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