Land of Milk and Honey
THE LAND OF MILK AND HONEY Three years ago, days before moving from one end of our extensive city to the other, I made a fresh commitment to the call on my life as a prophetic voice in the nation(s). Peter and I were on the cusp of receiving the keys to a family home […]
Miracle Baby! Joshua’s story
JOSHUA’S STORY Christmas week 2015 we found out I was ten weeks pregnant with our post snip miracle! Days earlier, on December 16th not knowing I was pregnant I participated in a high level intensity water aerobics session. After being in the pool I had a very big bleed and by the following day it […]
Reinforcements are coming
REINFORCEMENTS ARE COMING Today, I heard Father say, “I’m bringing reinforcements in!” The tangible presence of God was hovering around my head as I heard Him speak these words. Then I saw a picture of many of you. Many have been standing solitary in their spiritual lives. Not alone globally, but personally it’s been a […]
Hope on the horizon
“Look to Me and lost lambs returning you will see! They’ll come running! Your phone will ring and you will sing! Songs of victory! Songs of unity!” “Set your table, the lambs are coming home led by Me!” Today, while meditating on Scripture I had a picture flash across my mind of a series of […]
An Unshakable Kingdom
“When I look at you, I see Me! I see you blood washed and blemish free! One with Me! I gave you MY heart the day you placed your trust in Me! I also gave you a designated part! I’ve invested ALL I have in you! I’ve placed within you AN UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM!” “ALL you […]
Trials, Troubles and Trauma Turned to Victory!
Many have faced intense trials and tribulations and the spirit of God wants to heal you from the trauma associated with those trials and troubles. I hear Him singing a NEW song over you. A NEW song you will sing. A NEW day has dawned! I see you skipping and frolicking in His presence ANEW. […]
Fullness of Joy
In a dream last week, I heard the word JOY over and over again! The following day as I was spending time in my best friend’s presence, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Many will turn from unbelief in this hour, experiencing JOY and PEACE that comes with Salvation! My Glory deposit flowing through you […]
Rainbow Of Promise
I’ve felt such a strong stirring in my spirit these past few months as I see many in the body of Christ breaking into all things NEW! He’s wanting us to BREAK OUT of comfort zones. To BREAK OUT of mediocrity. To BREAK OUT of the status quo. Father wants to launch many of us […]
Now Is the Time
God wants to launch many of us into the most incredible and extraordinary situations! Things you haven’t even dreamed or imagined are a part of His plans for you and for me! In this season, I believe He’s making a way where previously there’s been no way! The hearts of man are dry and parched, […]
I AM your Bread of Life
“Keep your eyes on Me and not the problems you see. Seed time and harvest belong to Me. I am your daily bread. Your bread of life! I give you a hand up and a hand out! Out of the mire and the clay, today is a new day! I am your daily bread. I […]