
The Unstoppable Work of God!

The God of breakthrough is breaking though! Rejoice in the Lord! For He will complete the good work He has begun! The things that are of His will that he has placed in your heart as visions and dreams they will come to pass through you and through me!! Call upon his name and enter […]

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Light Carriers!

Australia and New Zealand- Light Carriers! The past three months the Father has been speaking to me regarding mantles from 100 years ago and he has a very clear and intentional purpose for the nations of Australia and New Zealand to work as co-labors in the nations. These two nations are forerunners in this mighty […]

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Hearts On Fire!

  I heard the Father say, “Get yourselves ready by posturing your hearts’ towards mine. Many will experience the all -consuming fire of my presence in this hour. I am doing a fresh work in the hearts of my sons and daughters! I am revealing my fire in love to those whose hearts are postured […]

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Are You Ready?

Artwork by Coming, ready or not! We’re all in this game called life. Are you hiding or are you seeking? Are you ready? He’s coming in the clouds. The One who rules and reigns on high! Coming for his Bride! He says, “Come”. I’ve had an insatiable desire to pray this year. Prayer is […]

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Revived And A Revival!

Some weeks ago, I was mopping my floors and the front door was open. A BIG gust of wind swirled around my door. This mini tornadeo blew straight into the house at a hurtling rate and left me reeling in its wake. Right then, I heard, the spirit of God say, “MY winds of change […]

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The Sweet Spot

Father says, “Delight yourself in Me.” Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.. The longings and desires, the needs you have; physical, relational, emotional, social, financial. Give them all to him! Take a walk and let him “talk”. There’s an effortless ease in God’s realm. Simply rest […]

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Need peace? then have a feast!

Some of you are experiencing interrupted sleep patterns. There’s been a series of repeat dreams that you’ve been having. In the dream(s) you’re not ready for the event taking place and you wake up in a panic when you have these dreams. God is calling you into destiny. It’s the Holy Spirit that’s been causing […]

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Who is God?

The notion that God is some hard task master sitting on his throne waiting to beat the hell out of humanity is a big fat lie that’s been sown into the hearts of minds of men through a spirit of religion. God is a loving Father who from the beginning of time knew that man […]

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Rule and Reign!

It’s time to rule and reign in Jesus Name! A new day has dawned. Kings will listen to what you have to say! Lift up your gates you everlasting doors that the King of Glory might come in. The one who was and is and is to come! I AM who I AM. It’s time […]

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Prayer Bowls Are Tipping!

Prayer Bowls Are Tipping! There is joyful expectation as the saints arise and shine and let out a shout of victory amid world events in this hour. There is an acceleration and great enthusiasm in the Heavenly realm and I sense the anticipation of the angels. They are very excited! It’s time to pray with […]

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