
Wonders That Never Cease!

Many of you will experience miracle after miracle in the days that lay ahead. With Holy Spirit’s power, I decree that many miracles you will see! You’ve bowed your knee, cried out in your darkest night, wiped away many tears, with your eyes fixed on your truest love! The King of Glory has seen and He has heard! With […]

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A November to Remember!

False mindsets and heavy burdens are about to be lifted as many of you experience divine favor in November. He carries healing in his wings and he’s going to release such favor over you that it will astonish those around you! Those in your family will see the King of Glory resting on you. This […]

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You’re at Tipping Point!

Many of you are at the tipping point.. “The things you’ve stood unwavering for, you’ve not given in or thrown in the towel are coming true!!” You’ve pressed into His presence despite of great opposition. The enemy of your soul has targeted you through affliction. He’s been after your momentum! He’s tried to get your […]

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I saw the arrows of God pointed straight at you! The POWER, PRESENCE, PROVISION of Heaven aimed right at you! What was sent to break you is going to be the making of you! You are a target of love! No weapon formed against you shall prosper! The arrows of discord and turmoil will turn […]

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Hearts and Homes Healed

“Rest assured. Healing is coming to your home. The check is in the mail! Breakthrough is coming to you! The Word of God coming true! I see Jesus interceding to the Father on behalf of your family. I see him leaning in close to the Father’s heart. His voice whispering into the Father’s ear and […]

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Something Good is Going to Happen!!

KAIROS TIME- NEW BIRTHS The Lord woke me up this week to the sound of my husband’s work alarm. I sleep through it most mornings, but earlier this week I was immediately awoken as it went off! My eyes were shut and as it rang, I heard a parallel sound with my spiritual ears. I […]

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Word for 2016- “Rest, something big is coming!”

I felt to share today what the Lord has shown me for the year ahead, today being the beginning of the Jewish New Year. September 14th 2015 until October 2nd, 2016. (No special favors for being Jewish. Galatians 3:28). I believe God is speaking to me through the calendar dates. I asked the Lord to […]

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God calls you “Mighty Prayer Warrior!”

Fear holds allot of people back from pressing through the obstacles they face. They water down truth to their limited experience of God’s goodness and end up settling for second best. Often becoming defined by their pain and problems and choosing to put down the call of God on their lives, escaping to the shore […]

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Firm Trust, Rest That’s Assured!

The word trust in Greek means pisteuo, “to put to one’s trust”. When we put our trust in God’s ability we are saying, “I surrender my inadequacies, my current lack, the circumstances that surround me, and my feelings of fear- I choose to believe!” I will walk by faith and not by sight- I put […]

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Daddy’s Got You Covered!

You can let go of trying to control everything in your life and there’ll be a lot less strife. You can rest assured that Daddy’s got you covered! Keep moving forward, no matter what- you’re a sojourner, not a settler. One who’s on fire, full of Life! Faith is a GIFT from God- Not something […]

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