Love is Eternal
The love we have for one another in marriage is a magnificent gift from God. On a human level we experience love in the form of friendship and romance – both wonderful. Yet as human’s we have weakness’ and imperfections in our natural state. Human love is flawed at its best. When we excessively attach […]
The Victor’s Crown!
Jesus is your reward! He wears the Victor’s Crown! He lives in you, the hope of Glory! All those in Christ having received the gift of righteousness will receive a crown of righteousness when He returns. You will be rewarded for all the good works you have done in his name, for his Glory! You […]
~Banner of Love~
God sees us perfect with a new nature! It’s opposite to the Gospel to somehow think that we have to add to or complete what Jesus has already done. It is Finished, means it is done. Sin has been dealt with and our Heavenly Father relates to us through His beloved Son. Revelation 13:8 Jesus, […]
King Jesus!
He is The Lion of the Tribe of Judah . Your Victory Song! Heavenly hosts have been sent to watch over you! Worship Him in Spirit and Truth. King of every King! Lord of Lords! Breathe that in. Majesty! Worship His Majesty! There is power in the name of Jesus! Praise be to God Lamb […]
His Eye is on the Sparrow~ He watches over You!
Your life, it’s destined to bring Glory and Honor to God! You carry Heaven’s richest deposit. Everything you need to live out the plans He has for you -lives in you! Speak it out. His eye is on the sparrow~ He watches over you. Every intricate detail of your life. It’s important. The hairs on […]
It’s a New Day!
I felt this word was for an individual as well as a general word of encouragement to share. I heard the words ‘bank teller’ as I was praying today. I believe there is a single working Mom out there with three children asking “Where is God in my situation?” Maybe you work in a bank? […]
Light of the World
You are God’s sign post! One who radiates Light and Love. The presence of Jesus shines through you telling the world of His Love. Be vulnerable in the presence of God. Listen as He speaks to you. You’ll be strong and courageous in the market place as you win battles and slay giants in the quiet […]
His Diamond!
The challenges you’ve been facing; the upsets in your work, hostility from those you thought were your allies; they are golden opportunities to reflect the transforming power and love of Jesus! You can handle it! You are in this world but not of this world~ A Diamond in the rough! His precious work; and a […]
Heaven on Earth through intimate fellowship
Through intimacy we will see many miracles- salvation, healing and deliverance as we walk in obedience to the Father’s heart. Diligently seek Him with all your heart! As you surrender to His will, your will- will become His will. He will give you keys that will unlock hearts and you will walk in His power! […]
Jesus- River Of Living Water
“Come as you are! Cast all your cares at My feet. My yolk is easy and My burden is light. Taste and see that I am Good! Drink, drink, drink! I am what you need. Feast on My Goodness and experience My Kindness, this is Who I am. Let me settle you with My love. […]