
God’s Perfect Love- The Great Awakening

In the early hours of 17th February 2014, I had this vision, more than a vision really. An encounter in the Heavenly realm as I lay on my bed. The Father’s message is,  “The world is going to see the greatest outpouring of Love ever seen. I am Love and I am coming in a wave […]

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Saved by my Son

Oranges were on special at my supermarket today so I decided to purchase, tossing the bag into the trolley. This evening they caught my eye and my taste buds went into overdrive anticipating the juicy delight! Standing at the bench, kitchen towel on shoulder, off came the ends with the paring knife, then straight through […]

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Warrior Bride

It’s been a jam packed month and a half of full on opposition since “walking in the Spirit” book was released. From the intensity of the Grace hating spirit coming against my head, telling me to shut- up! Get back in my box, how dare I and a relentless attack on my mind. Then there’s […]

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Grace the Great Canopy

Grace provides and produces fruit! Grace has provided freedom from your past! Grace has set you up for success! Grace is your qualification! Grace is your inheritance! Grace has the transforming power to launch you into the impossible! “It’s done. It’s finished and come as you are” says Grace! Grace has roots that go down […]

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Momentum and Meditation

Having made a quality decision that enough was enough I decided to get myself organised and last year embarked on the journey of getting my body back to its pre-baby shape. The first few months were tough slog as my mind needed to adjust and robot mode kept me on track on many of those […]

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The Heart

The Heart- the story behind the painting This painting is called ‘the heart’. One of the first things I wanted to do as I began writing the manuscript for ‘walking in the spirit- the supernatural life of Grace’ was to commission an artist to capture the essence of the message the book carries. Encounter- Intimacy […]

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Two friends have recently shared with me the pain they have experienced after loosing family members to suicide. Both people were Christians who had accepted Jesus into their hearts. As one of my friends spoke to me the weight of the world rested on her shoulders. Tragically, she had lost her sister who was a […]

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Great Exploits!

The people that know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits! Daniel 11:32b Don’t you love this Scripture? It’s the bed rock of my Christian walk. I am often asked how I achieve what I do and what’s the secret? To which I point up- or to my belly, where the spirit of […]

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Fear of Man

What will people think? Aren’t we Christian’s supposed to set the example of Christ’s love and character in our communities? These two thoughts are enough to send me off into a panic, especially when I know I’ve reacted and not responded with my children, or had an argument with my husband. The truth is, yes, […]

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Step out of the Boat

Should I really be pursuing God and living a life of faith in the area of my time, talent and treasure, or is it all just a figment of my imagination? Do we really reap a harvest this side of eternity when we sow into God’s Kingdom? Isn’t it just wishful thinking to expect to […]

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