Trailblazers and Pioneers You Are Dear To Father’s Heart
TRAILBLAZERS AND PIONEERS YOU ARE DEAR TO FATHER’S HEART Be encouraged! If you have a dream that’s impossible to you, that means POSSIBLE to God!! So many pioneers have gone before you in recent times and in the past who felt misunderstood and like they didn’t fit! Many have been falsely accused and had threats […]
Miracles Are God’s Specialty and He’s Set You Up for Destiny!
MIRACLES ARE GOD’S SPECIALTY AND HE’S SET YOU UP FOR DESTINY! The God dreams in your heart are not written off! His plans and purposes are not written off! No matter what you’ve come through, going through, or how long it seems you’ve been waiting! ITS NOT WRITTEN OFF!! Circumstances haven’t disqualified you and your […]
Rest and Receive
You are worth it. The pain you have endured does not define you! It’s not who you are. It’s WHOSE you are that matters. You are a brand new beginning! The buck stops with you! You have a choice to move forward and carve out a new beginning with God’s love and power. You are […]
Ten Fold Return
Seeds sown in past days are germinating! You’re going to see an acceleration, you’re going to see a breakthrough! It’s time to receive a ten fold return! There’s a whole bunch of new things coming your way. There’s an ease in the Spirit and such a maturity in you now. God is taking you to […]
Heaven’s Dew
Father doesn’t want you going back to your old number plate. He wants you to marinate in your new nature identity! This is where you’ll find the fullness of your destiny! The enemy of your soul wants you to focus on self. Six is the number for man. Self-sufficiency, self-righteousness. The Spirit of God wants […]
Amazing Grace, the lost are coming in!
I keep seeing and hearing the number ten! There’s change in the air, there’s a shifting of gears! Ten, ten, ten, I see breakthroughs in tens! Ten speaks of redemption! Ten speaks of wayward sons! The lost are coming in! Luke 15:8 There’s movement and there’s change in the air. Two fives make ten! Grace […]
From Little Things Big Things Grow!
I hear the rumblings of Heaven, ‘When you placed your hand in Mine saying, ‘I do’, all of My blessings were transferred to you! You feel like you are an outcast at times. You feel like your not a stereotypical fit. But I say, You are very special to Me! I’ve walked you through what […]
One Of A Kind
Unique, one of a kind mantles are being released in this hour. Where the enemy has exploited you, God’s mantling you to put you forward for good use! Clear of blame or suspicion, God’s established you by His merit! You are one of a kind, stand the line! Stay faithful and stay committed! You have […]
Winds Of Change
The winds of change are blowing! Many are being positioned into places of influence in this hour. They will root out and pull down. They will build and plant. This is happening because of your prayers! Intercession is bringing them in. Positioned to break entire communities through, not even saved yet, these individuals will carry […]
My Way Is The High Way
My way is the high way, says the Spirit of God and I’m taking you higher! You’ve chosen My way and My way is the high way. It’s the high way of holiness. It’s the high way of truth. It’s the One and only true way! You’re going to see a tremendous release of My […]