All Things New
I see in the Spirit many of you coming into all things new! You’re going to sense an excitement and stirring of hope from the Holy Spirit as he’ll lead and guide you to see old things you thought were dead and buried come alive right before you! This is your season of all things […]
Destiny Is Pursuing You!
I decree this is your time and this is your hour to see! The Spirit of God surrounds you and is moving among you! I see you partnering with Papa in signs and wonders our this intimacy and the world around you will see his glory! There’s a weighty glory presence coming upon you in […]
You’re Launching Out Of The Old And Into The New!
YOU’RE LAUNCHING OUT OF THE OLD AND INTO THE NEW There’s a re-defining that’s going on, in and around you right now. You’re going to see and feel things from a fresh perspective! The emotions tied to past experiences that have held you in a place of bondage are being broken by the power of […]
Joy Unspeakable!
Where there’s been heartache and pain you’re going to experience unspeakable joy and fresh beginnings in Jesus name! As I woke this morning, I heard these words, “The past has gone and the new has come!” There’s healing in his wings and I see you as a dispenser of light! The suffering you have endured […]
Fresh Opportunities Are Coming To You
Fresh opportunities are coming to you! Expect divine interruptions to happen to you! They’re ambushes set up on behalf of the Father for you! Your testimony is tried and true giving the world a birds eye view of eternity in you! These 1:1 encounters are going to be potent! Souls you touch with the compassionate heart of […]
I saw a picture of the nation of Australia on a pivot as I was praying recently. A ‘pivot’ described by Wikipedia is the centre point of any rotational system. A pivot is also referred to as a dance move! There’s much momentum in the realm of the spirit over the nation of Australia in this […]
Release Your Decree!
I keep hearing the Spirit of God say, “Release your decree!” God has good things in store for you! Where the enemy has come in like a flood to rob you of your destiny, Father says, “Release your decree because in the courts of Heaven I have ruled victory!” Father has good things in store […]
2019 Is Going To Be The Year Of Freedom Reigns!
As I’ve been waiting on the Lord for a word for 2019 I heard in my spirit,” 2019 is going to be a year where freedom reigns!” I see many experiencing greater dimensions in the glory as they pursue the presence of God with boldness in this hour! The Spirit of wisdom and revelation is […]
Crowned with love and mercy
CROWNED WITH LOVE AND MERCY I see a picture of you crowned with love and mercy and I see a new beginning. The wrap around presence of God surrounds you like a shield, you’re wrapped in Father’s embrace and there’s no trace of past mistakes! You’re robed in royal clothes, your grave clothes belong at […]