
Heaven’s Raining Down

HEAVEN’S RAINING DOWN I see a picture of Heaven raining down upon you! Heaven’s dew is making all things new! New horizons, fresh perspectives and the desire to dream again is being freshly deposited within you! Heaven’s raining down upon you! Heaven’s full of surprises and fun! Just like the nature of God’s Son! It’s […]

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Your Darkest Hour is Going to be your Finest Hour

YOUR DARKEST HOUR IS GOING TO BE YOUR FINEST HOUR Where there’s been ashes, I see incredible beauty! The areas of your life where you’ve seen wounding, I see refreshing! Your darkest hour is going to be your finest hour! You’re going to see unblocked wells and a greater release of glory in this hour! […]

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It’s Time to Arise and Shine

I hear the Spirt of God saying, “Don’t run and hide, it’s time to arise and shine!” Where you’ve felt under attack by a death warrant, I see the Spirt of God singing over you. He’s singing songs of hope, songs of freedom! No evil scheme is going to harm you! A death warrant doesn’t […]

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Walk With Me

The Spirit of God is drawing us into deeper levels of intimacy. In this place of unity, fresh decrees are being made over you and me! “Come up higher and see what I see! The gifts of the Spirit demonstrate My power to the world, the wounded and weary and the poor in spirit that […]

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Destiny is Pursuing You

I see in the Spiritual realm you running your race. I see your mind coming into alignment with the mind of Christ as God is bringing you into a wide open place. You’re going to run at a new pace, fueled by grace! There’s a great cloud of witness’s that surround you and they’re cheering […]

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The Glory is starting to trickle!

I hear the Holy Spirit saying, “Nestle and don’t settle!” Distractions, distortions and fear of derailment will no longer hold you in your past! I see you eating honey from the carcass of your past! You’ll experience healing waters as traumatic memories will be washed away by the Anointed One. The Holy Spirit is here. […]

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It’s a new day of destiny!

The gates of hell cannot prevail against the army of the Lord! You are an over comer by the blood of the lamb! The word of your testimony is a sure foundation!! Every voice of accusation is an illegal imposter that has no authority over you! You are blood washed and free!! Victorious! There’s a […]

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2018 IS THE YEAR OF THE DOOR I hear the Spirit of God saying, “2018 is the year of the door!” It’s to be a year of ‘Esau’s inheritance’ being restored, salvations, deliverances and more! The Lord is calling His sheep to come and graze in fresh pasture! Pride and fear will no longer hinder […]

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God’s not holding out on you! He cares wholeheartedly for you! So much so, He cut a blood Covenant with His Son for you! Based on trust, it says, “I am yours. I give myself fully and completely to you!” It’s God’s oath to you! You’re safe and secure, it’s never going to be broken, […]

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