The Spirit of God is breathing over his Bride in fresh and new ways at this time! Clarity is coming! Breakthrough is here! You’re going to see clear!

Rest is a supernatural life fuelled by Grace! Jesus our LORD has called us to stand tall! Obedience, trust and timing is a must! You are in the Spirit- now walk in the Spirit! The invitation is clear!

It’s time to come up higher and dine! To sit and be seen. To listen and glean! Rest is a great weapon! It protects us from burnout and doing things in our own strength! When God calls you to pioneer and move forward in something- a project, a new job, a relocation- there is GRACE for you dear.

You won’t loose your footing or your peace as you leave what’s comfortable and predictable in your sphere. When GOD is at the centre of your life, your purpose, your calling, you can’t fail dear!

Even in the side steps and avoidance of side swipes, you ducked and now it’s all clear!

The Spirit of God wants to COMFORT many in this hour. Many of us who have pure hearts and clean hands, yet like learning to ride a trike or a bicycle or a motor bike, know it takes time to grow in strength of spirit as we hold hands with trust, the ONE who calls us dear.

Pushing past fear and finding your footing when things seem unclear. Holding the line where there is no dime and you feel like you’re running out of time. God is NEAR. He sees and he knows and he’s giving us confidence and rest in his best so we can go!

Rest delivers us from our own self effort, our own ideas. Many are good, but not God’s best! He wants many of us to STEP UP! To come up higher! Miracles breakout! Provision is in the pipeline!

What the enemy stole he has to cough up!!

Help is here! You’re being elevated to your rightful seat so you can receive dear! Holy Spirit is helping you grow in trust which is a must! You’re not going to bust!

God has given us all free will. We will either trust the process, the timing and continue to look to Him or push on in our own ways and our own ideas until we loose our song.

God wants what’s right for us, not wrong. The invitation is to give him your song! The longing’s and desires of your heart, he knows from the start. Give him the affections of your heart and watch as the angles are dispatched through your oneness and intimacy!

Everything that’s been said and done to you that’s wrong, God is turning it ALL around for your VICTORY!

Whether you’ve pivoted out of fear, become independent to survive, but just can’t deliver with a tribe! Be encouraged friend! God loves a trier, but he’s got better for you! HE IS ON YOUR SIDE!

Remember Paul’s appeal to the much loved Galatians?

Oh foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you? Culture, traditions of man, your own flesh, doubt? Lack of confidence in WHO GOD is for YOU?

If you’re trying to move forward with intention but have moved in the flesh, it’s time to REST.

I hear the Spirit of God whisper,

“Deeper levels of trust are a must! With Me, there’s always enough!”

Watch and see lover, as you worship in surrender and in awe the KING of your heart! He’s in pursuit of you! Bringing your family and you into ALL THINGS NEW!

The Invitation is to read Proverbs 1 and 2.

There’s an overflow as you go..

Proverbs 1:33 TPT

“But the one who always listens to me will live undisturbed in a heavenly peace. Free from fear, confident and courageous, that one will rest unafraid, and sheltered from the storms of life.”

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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