
Blessings of Abraham

BLESSING UPON BLESSING There’s a 7 year recompense taking place in 2019! Seed sown in your past is going to now reap a harvest in 2019!! For those of you who’ve been through much pain because you follow Papa’s ways, you’re now going to gain in 2019! I see lots of grain! You’ll look back […]

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Destiny Time!

DESTINY TIME It’s Australia Day today and Papa reminded me this morning of the Australian light horsemen who liberated Jerusalem! 800 men mounted their Walers and took charge into Beersheba liberating Jerusalem in 1917! Over the enemy trenches they rode in! (Stringer, C  1999, Discovering Australia’s Christian Heritage). I see many of you stepping up […]

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You’ve Got This!

YOU’VE GOT THIS I saw a vision of the number eight. Eight is the number of new beginnings. (Matthew 28:1) Thompson & Beale, 2017. God’s Prophetic Symbolism in Everyday life. In the vision, I saw a recipe being handed out and it was brand new! The ingredients and methods were handed over to cook and […]

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Pursue And You Shall Subdue!

PURSUE AND YOU SHALL SUBDUE The angel of the Lord came to me in the night and he said, “I want you to pursue so you can subdue!” “So David inquired of the Lord, saying, “Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them? And He answered him, “Pursue for you shall surely overtake them […]

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Rise and Build

RISE AND BUILD I woke up in the early hours today with a word for all the front runners! Being on the front lines of ministry, whether you’re pastoring a Church, pioneering a ministry, or running a business, leading your family, you are on the front lines! There’s an anointing upon you that breaks yolks […]

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Reckless Love Is Pursuing You

RECKLESS LOVE PURSUES 1st Corinthians 13 is a radical love letter from Heaven to our hearts! Reckless love that pursues! It’s not a to do list of what you have to do! It’s a description of who God is for you! God is love! The currency of Heaven is humility! Jesus gave it all up […]

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Heaven’s Bride!

The story of Adam and Eve has been on my heart this week. I believe many of you singles are going to find a husband and wife! Partners in crime who will complete one another and not compete with one another!  I see a beautiful picture of mutual submission as you receive the gift of […]

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Heat Seeking Missiles!

I see many of you having wisdom and insight into the hearts of men and women that come along your path in 2019. Many of you are going to be like owls, creatures of the night! Owls are heat seeking missiles! They fly stealth and catch their prey with precision! You’ll go into the highways and […]

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Laser- Like Focus!

IN 2019 I decree that you’ll have laser-like focus flowing out of your God given identity! You will run and not grow weary as you wait upon the Lord and you will fly like an eagle! I see new opportunities coming to you and connections and increased favour and blessings of God are upon you! […]

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Heaven’s Riches Be Upon You!

The past few weeks I’ve been aware of the power of love building up with momentum over you, wave upon wave breaking over you friend! It’s rich and lavish and full of endless possibility! There’s an empowerment that you’re going to experience as you see things through Heaven’s lens giving you courage and tenacity to […]

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