Maybe you can’t go right now? It’s been long and it’s been slow. Friend, if you sow you shall Go! You are not restricted, boxed in, you are free can you see? Your decrees and prophetic promises shall be seen!

Your situation may look like you’ve missed out, the promises seem choked out and maybe you may feel left out?

Friend, God has the last count!!

I want to encourage you, it’s not over for you! It’s time to sow! Sow your time and sow the little that you have where you want to go!

What you give your energy to is where you shall go! Dreams are bursting to life inside of you! The dreamer has not let go!

You’re going to rise from the ashes of past defeat and rise to your feet! Miracles you shall meet! He sees, he knows and he’s inviting you to sow!

Sow the pain, sow the trauma, sow the tears, sow the lack, sow the lies, sow the ‘I don’t know’, sow it all in Jesus name!!

You will see his glory and fame! He is not a man that lies, he’s not given you promises so they can die! It’s time rise on eagles wings and soar! You’re going to take ground and enter into your promised land and MORE!

John 14:27 TPT

“I leave the gift of peace with you- my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts- instead be courageous!”

Footnotes- These are the same words Moses faced before he died and the words of God spoke to Joshua as he entered into his life’s plan of taking the promised land for Israel. God has not given us a spirit of cowardly fear. Josh 1:8-9; 10:25, 2 Tim 1:7

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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