
Warriors Arise!

Arise and Shine, God’s Kingdom is at hand! The body of Christ needs you! The world needs the message in you! Shake off the shackles that hold you back. Let out a shout of Praise and Advance forward. YOU are needed. It’s time to Arise and fight the good fight! RISE AND BUILD Rise above mediocrity. […]

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You’ll Live To See Your Breakthrough!

God is our Shepherd. We read in Matthew 18:12 where Jesus left the 99 sheep to go after the one lost sheep. He’s truly interested in the ones and twos! Often, we get tricked into thinking that to make a difference in this world, we need to be doing something big and mighty for God. […]

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You’ll Come Through With Flying Colors!

Feeling overwhelmed by the circumstances you face? Relational curve balls come your way? Struggling to find your way? Hard- pressed, yet not crushed? God is with you! He sees you and He hears your hearts cry! Holy Spirit will give you wisdom to administrate yourself in this current situation. Seek His face. Call upon His […]

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Message of Hope!

Something good is going to happen, something good is in store! Bring Him a sacrifice of praise!! The storehouses of Heaven are raining on you! Something good is going to happen, something good is in store. Hebrews 13:15.  Veronica Kilrain

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Prophetic Decree- America Land of Brave and Free!

America you shall soar with destiny! Fear will not have a hold on thee! You shall rise, rise, rise like your forefathers did! America nation of prosperity! Not crippled by fear, but arising to destiny! No more negativity! AMERICA- JESUS HAS SET YOU FREE! We declare TRUTH in LOVE across the sea. Power house that […]

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Miracles Are His Specialty!

Such an excitement in my spirit! God’s heart of love for you and me! The King is handing out keys to assist you walking into destiny! I see keys to houses and cars, business and social influence! Keys of relational connections and suddenly! Whole nations will turn their heads in a day and see! THE […]

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Souls Alive Will Thrive!

Recently, I was visiting a new part of town. Driving and praying, I asked God what was on His heart. He whispered, “Unity-right from the start”. So, I began praying for unity in the Church in that area. Later in the day, I spent more time praying and interceding for unity. As I was meditating […]

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Resurrected Dreams and the Power of Love!

A week ago, in the early hours, I heard the words, ‘resurrected dreams and the power of love’. Such excitement in my spirit as I heard these words! The tangible presence of God hovers over you. He is with you always! He wants you to experience Him, definite and clear! You have fullness NOW. He […]

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Come Fly With Me!

“You are marked by Me. Set free! The path I have for you, it’s pleasant and will continually lead you into wonderful places! You’re clothed in dignity and Grace! Nothing can separate you from My face! So hold your head high and COME AND FLY! I am your victory! Let Me help you run your […]

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Sealed With A Kiss

In the early hours of the 12th March I had a vision. I found out later that it happened to be on the cusp of the opening weekend of Cinderella in USA, March 13th 2015. The film grossed $69M in it’s debut weekend! I believe this timeless fairy tale contains many metaphorical meanings that depict […]

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