New Breed

I heard the words, “Calm before the storm” as I was dialoguing with the Holy Spirit about 2017 this week. We’ve entered a season and time of breakthrough, victory and changing of atmosphere’s. The truth of God’s Love and power is being seen and experienced by the world in this hour! The Bride is alive and well!

There’s a great outpouring of JOY being restored to the Bride, the joy of her salvation! (Psalm 51:12) The gift of joy is a supernatural weapon! I see joy being restored to many who’ve felt captive and emotionally bare to the bone! At Calvary a mighty outpouring of measureless joy has been poured out! I see many experiencing joy fully now, fuelled by the power of LOVE!

The Bride is arising standing to her feet, no longer defined by past defeat! The dust that’s settled on her from past storms blown off! Holy Spirit blowing upon her! The winds of change are here!

2017 is a year of breakthrough, it’s a year of victory! SONS and DAUGHTERS will arise and walk into their God given inheritence! Walking in their identity, not what the world or their circumstances wants to dress them in! Full of power, full of authority, no longer held down by the schemes of Satan, she’s arising armed and dangerous! Covered with his feathers, the power and majesty of Father’s love lifts her high!


Some have been sensing an ease, there’s been year’s of intense up-hill battle. There’s a lull in the air and it’s eerily quiet. You’ve been living in a heightened state of spiritual awareness. Before you now there’s nothing but open sky’s! There’s a cloud right before you and Father says,

“Step up and step in! It’s a glory cloud, full of joy, full of life!”

Lift, your eyes high! Rejoice! Full of resurrection power, you are a demonstration of God’s great love! (Ephesians 1:19-20)

There’s a new breed, that’s going to equip, train and empower the body of Christ in this hour, training her fingers for battle and her hands for war! Watch and see as housewives, cooks and cleaners will make up much of this new breed!!!

There’s a resilience, and stamina that’s been produced in many of God’s children in this past season. Propelled further and deeper into the heart of the Father through the firey trials of life, I see a silver lining in the clouds! Emotional stamina, supernatural strength, mental breakthrough and an army of overcomers arising in this hour in such power! Spiritual gold is pouring forth through souls.

I see a senstivity to the Holy Spirit that delights the Father’s heart! Such tenderness. The mercy heart of the Father beats in the heart’s of sold out lovers in this hour! A sweetness that’s been produced through the firey trials! Great compassion for brothers and sisters and a desire to see unity and blessing flow. This love, the world will know!

Many are arising in this hour, full of JOY, full of LOVE!

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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