Diamonds In My Hand
DIAMONDS IN MY HAND “There’s an invitation from the Spirit of God right now to enter into deeper levels of trust. As you trust Me, says the Spirit of God, I’m going to thrust you into new situations and dynamics in this hour. There’s new alignments and new assignments, says the Spirit of God. Some […]
Feast Don’t Fight
In times of battle history tells us more often than not, battles are won through tactics (planned response) and not big guns (biggest/best equipment). The same goes for the battle you’re facing right now. The war that’s on for your soul is real. It’s the small things you can do each day that make a […]
Heaven’s Atmosphere
“Many are being drawn to you and many will come tasting and seeing as you testify of Me! This is your time, this is your hour. Ripple after ripple will become wave after wave as the atmosphere of My love flows as you go! There’s much going on that you don’t even know, but as […]
Now Is The Time!
NOW IS THE TIME This is YOUR time, this is YOUR hour! I’ve placed seed in your hand, will you simply sow it and trust? I will nurture the seed you sow, you will see it grow! Seed time and harvest belong to Me. (1 Corinthians 3:7, Genesis 8:22) Diamonds in the dust, I’ll bring […]
God In the Midst!
I hear the Spirit of God saying, “I’m bringing you through into all things new! I’m restoring the lost and wasted years. I am sending to you grain, wine and oil and you will be satisfied. What the locusts have eaten, I am bringing you double! I’m giving you the spoils of victory!” “The giants […]
God is making a way!
“Nothing is impossible with Me! Look to Me, not the problems you see. I Am making a way where there seems no way! I’m handing you the spoils of My victory! Sit here at the table with Me. Fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit, all come from Me! (Gal 5:22) I […]
Glory Carriers
I hear the sound of angel’s feet. I hear the angel Justice singing this decree over you saying, “Just as it is in Heaven let it be in your earthly life today!” This is Heaven’s declaration over you and your family! “Just as it is in Heaven let it be in your earthly life today!” The King Of Glory […]
Miracles of Mercy
“Miracles you will see as you walk with Me! I’ve prepared you and I’m sending you. This is your time, this is your hour. How will others know if you won’t go? Miracles of mercy will flow as you go! You are full of My power in this hour! Miracles you will see as you […]
Believers Will Believe and Miracles They’ll Receive!
Holy Spirit reminded me of the word, ‘2017, is the Year of the Sword.’ this week. I received this word last year after I had an encounter with an angel called TRUTH. As I pondered this word this week, I heard Holy Spirit say, “Believers will believe and miracles they’ll receive!’ The HOPE of […]
Fire of Love
I see men and women arising in power in this hour! I see the lion and the lamb. The lion is roaring as the lamb lifts His loved ones up! I see the lies of the enemy extinguished in the fire of love! I see sleepers awakening. Delivered from fear, receiving God’s love. Many sleepers experiencing the fire of […]