All Things New

I see in the Spirit many of you coming into all things new! You’re going to sense an excitement and stirring of hope from the Holy Spirit as he’ll lead and guide you to see old things you thought were dead and buried come alive right before you!

This is your season of  all things new!

Where you’ve seen the dream you once had seemingly lost amidst devastating circumstances and the very areas you feel hope has run out on you, you’re going to turn your head and see all things new!

I see a suddenly, “Aha moment!” coming upon you!

Where sickness and tragedy have come to rob you, I see you full of hope experiencing all things new!

You’re going to see a shift in your heart and a desire to pursue dreams and visions that in previous years stirred you!

The desire to dream again is coming upon you!

What has been in decay will come alive in one day! The breath of God is breathing upon you!

You’re going to see the goodness of God shining upon you! The very Spirit who raised Christ from the dead lives in you!

Romans 8:11 The Passion Translation

“Yes, God raised Jesus to life! And since God’s Spirit of Resurrection lives in you, he will also raise your dying body to life by the same Spirit that breathes life into you!”


Prophetic Book of Poetry

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