Understanding your purpose, how you’re wired and what is your calling will sustain you on the superhighway of life! Through the times when it seems nothing is moving forward, there’s no wind and you feel emotionally and mentally depleted, these are the times to once again surrender all, posturing your heart in worship and wonder as you wait…

We all get tired emotionally in the wait. We feel like others lives are moving forward and our situation has made us late. It’s easy to compare and feel resentment and want what is fair. The reality is, God has a better plan! You’re not late. You responded to the call and this is all part of the process preparing you to TRUST amid the fall!

The most important lesson you can learn through all this is TRUST.

Walking with God in your next season is going to take not just resolve but undivided TRUST! You will take with you previous experiences with heaven you can draw upon! Unshakable confidence will be cemented in you, you’ll know he’s going to come through, ‘this time too’!

TRUST is going to be your anchor as God thrusts you!

Some of you are called to unknown places and wide open spaces! Alignments that are coming are unique, they’re uncomfortable to what’s been tradition in your line, but GOD has a way forward and you’re going to be just fine! It’s scary and its never been done before in your family! You’re called to pioneer in unknown territory! The alignments God has for you are unique. They involve TRUST! (Trust is connected to our emotional lives. You’re going to need a deep dive in emotional intelligence to grasp this.)

As you head out through the narrows in your purpose, through the gate, into the unknown place, Faith leads you!

A cargo ship is equipped with what’s needed to carry you!

Often, as you move forward in your purpose is when the blue-print unfolds. The vision in stone, the plan in sand. Sometimes our plans are good, but they are not Gods best plan! This is why TRUST is a must! You can’t go wrong when you continue to yield and follow the Word of God when you can’t feel or see the way ahead.

A pilot understands this.

Pilots rely on the instruments in a cockpit. When they feel disoriented they rely on their training which TRUSTS the flight instruments. They’re trained in emotional regulation, how to not toss to and fro with feelings, but how to follow the instruments, even when everything in them naturally wants to take the wheel!

The Word of God is our tuning fork as we move through the doubt and fog into the unknown! Faith and patience inherit promises!! Doubt shall go! The vision in stone and the plan in sand.

Like a passenger ship, people get on and get off. People come and go. Sometimes we get mis-guided as we put our hopes and dreams into someone else, or we have an expectation that a certain relationship is going to be it for us personally when in fact it’s not.

Guarding our hearts is important.

Boundaries are healthy.

Not being overly familiar helps.

Etiquette in how we treat a gift.

Understanding lack is behind our back!

It’s so important how we steward our lives!!

If you’re blindsided by romantic love and it’s unrequited. Cut it off! Have no further contact to protect yourself. This will save allot of heartache and pain and disappointment in your lane.

Sow the wait. Sow the pain. You are NOT late!

As you remain yielded to His heart as you move forward, you can rest assured he will guide your steps. God is interested in partnership, he’s patient and he is kind.

It’s always Plan A in God, he’s moving you forward, he’s on the line.

Keep going, keep encouraging others, keep following the wind of the Spirit, you are on track, target and time!

The right alignments are coming, he’s got you and he’s got this!


Prophetic Book of Poetry

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