Fresh shoots upon you! Tradition and culture no longer hold you! All things new! Fresh dew! Quirky start ups and the capacity to see through!
Work that’s set up for you! Work that blesses you! Pioneers, trailblazers, you’re coming into all things new!! The path before you is new! Your ministry cannot be bought, you’re coming through with fresh shoots, quirky start up’s upon you!
Cultural traditions in the faith community shall not keep you! How you were raised shall not have you! God is bigger, broader, giving you more!! Those who were raised under a pew relying on an offering will see fresh dews!
The path ahead for you is unique!! It’s broader, wider and set apart specifically for you! Pioneer, trailblazer, you’re breaking through! Unique start ups, income streams of a heavenly blue-print are upon you!
Grass roots, you’re breaking through with the confidence to come through! All things new!
2 Corinthians 11:9-15 TPT
“Now, I believe I am not inferior in any way to these special “superior-apostles you are attracted to. For although I may not be a polished or eloquent speaker, I’m certainly not an amateur speaker. I’m certainly not amateur in revelation knowledge. Indeed, we have demonstrated this to you time and time again. Have I committed a sin by degrading myself to dignify you? Was I wrong to preach the gospel of God to you free of charge? I received ample support from other churches just so that I could freely serve you. Remember, when I was with you I didn’t bother anyone when I needed money, for my needs were always supplied by my Macedonian friends. So I was careful, and I will never become a burden to you in anyway. As the reality of Christ lives within me, my glad boast of offering the gospel free of charge will not be silenced throughout the region of Achaia. Why? Is it because I have no love for you? God knows how much I love you! But in order to eliminate the opportunity for those “super-apostles” to boast that their ministry is on the same level as ours I will continue this practice. For they are not true apostles but deceitful ministers who masquerade as “special apostles” of the Anointed One. That doesn’t surprise me, for even Satan transforms himself to appear as an angel of light. So, it’s no wonder his servants also go about pretending to be ministers of righteousness. But in the end they will be exposed and get exactly what they deserve.”
1 Thessalonians 2:9-13 TPT
“Beloved brothers and sisters, surely you remember how hard we laboured among you. We worked night and day so that we would not become a burden to you while we preached the wonderful gospel of God. With God as our witness you saw how we lived among you- in holiness, in godly relationships and without fault. And you know how affectionately we treated each one of you, like a loving father cares for his own children. We comforted and encouraged you and challenged you to adopt a lifestyle worthy of God, who invites you into his kingdom and glory!”

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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