Every shame shackle, every blame cackle, has been dealt with in the vine!

“You My love are a find!” Love has conquered and you are coming through, the glory of God upon you!

Love is in pursuit of you, all of Heaven sings for you! Every breath you take, every move you make, Heaven is with you. You’re going to see you’re worth it, heaven’s riches put it all on the line!

I hear Daddy saying,

“No more sack cloth and ashes, the triumph was Mine!”

The lover of your soul is leading you in heaven’s roll. You’re going to see the confidence to shine and come through in the line. Love is leading you. Love is making a way for you!

“You are Mine, you’ve been worth it all the time! Your heart, your legacy, your life is meshed with Mine!”

“What do you want? Make a demand on Me, says the King of Glory and MIRACLES you shall see! Simply believe! I bled and died giving you LIFE on the line! Trust is a must, you’re going to receive miracles in the dust! Strength to move on through and the capacity to not cave when other’s tell you I’m not true!”

I AM WITH YOU! You are Heavens’ valentine!

What you deserved, he bore so you can soar! You walk on heavens’ roar! There is SO much more! It’s time to become a generous receiver and walk out into more! More love, more power, more! In your relationships, in your personal life, in your career, your ministry, your entire LIFE, there’s always more!

The difficulties, the challenges, the mis- communications, the fog in your line, will fade, it’s all going to be fine. Through the mire and the clay, HOPE has won the day!

“Love loves large and you My love are free at last!”

Song of Songs 7:10-13 TPT

Now I know that I am for my beloved and all his desires are fulfilled in me. Come away, my lover. Come with me to the faraway fields. We will run away together to the forgotten places and show them redeeming love. Let us arise and run to the vine-yards of your people and see if the budding vines of love are now in full bloom. We will discover if their passion is awakened. There I will display my love for you. The love apples are in bloom, sending forth their fragrance of spring. The rarest of fruits are found at our doors- the new as well as the old. I have stored them for you, my lover-friend!

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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