You are stepping into more! Sustenance and more! God is bringing what you need as you step through this door. Don’t worry about a thing, you will see a release from the things which put you in a spin. Upgrade and more, the mind of Christ is your door! All things new are upon you! (1 John 5:20)

This is not a time to let regret, the past, grief and/or prolonged process win the day! Don’t give up! Help is on the way! Courage dear heart! There’s wide open spaces and brand new places just ahead, through this door! Daddy’s holding your hand. The one who whispers your name and who holds the stars and the moon in place. You can rest in his perfect test, letting his love lift off the burden of this debt. He’s paid for it all. You shall stand tall! The losses, the heartache and all the pain, shall melt away in heaven’s rain! Heaven is in your heart queen. It’s okay to process and sit a while, just don’t park there queen. Processing is good, and the favour of God is leading you into more and more good! The goodness of God ain’t running out on you queen. There’s plenty in store and more. Start drinking it in, start expecting the phone to ring! Let out a holler and refuse to settle, nestle in his trust and let him wrestle the devil!

No more regret, no more second best, you have been called and it’s time to receive your more!

Some of you are in the valley of decision and God is calling you up and out into more! Age has no limit! He will strengthen you in the vision! You’re going to see clearly and walk into more. Callings, purpose, reaching those small.. Others of you are dealing with issues that just don’t seem to go away.. you will stand the test of time and see God Almighty in your line! The Kingdom of God is one of order! Not chaos and the Spirit of God is making a way for you dear! Do not fear. What you tolerate is what will continue, the question is, do you trust God for more? You are worth more!! Keep moving forward, courage dear heart, you stand tall!

You are dearly loved and highly favoured, an ambassador of the highest government of all!

I hear the Spirit of God saying,

“Come now, let’s run to the place of suffering love! Embrace Calvary’s door and start drinking with unlimited thinking! You are standing tall, My glistening beauty, it’s time for more!”

Song of Songs 4:6

I’ve made up my mind, until the darkness disappears and the dawn has fully come, in spite of shadows and fears, I will go the the mountaintop with you- the mountain of suffering love and the hill of burning incense. Yes, I will be your bride.”

Footnote- Literally “the mountain of myrrh” the emblem of suffering love. To become the bride, she must experience Calvary, as did her Lord. We must be his co-crucified partner who will embrace the fellowship of his sufferings.

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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