The favor of God rests upon you beloved! You’re going to see increase and release and fresh peace in the area of finances and in your business blueprints indeed! God is with you queen! Where you’ve experienced theft and pilfering of your time and what is rightfully yours, in this season you’re going to see justice that is swift!

“I AM dealing with the oppressors, the lovers of money shall see My Kingdom call! Where your children have missed out, where there’s been a separation and pain that’s come in what seems like a fall out, I have kept you queen! To those who have left homes and families and followed the call, you shall not fall! Where it seems like death and deceit and debt has made you roll, you shall see that I AM with you and hear your call! There’s a backlog of provision coming and it’s in the form of bonds, lost inheritances, grants, debt’s owed and seed sown, you shall see recovery of all!”

The presence of God is your guidance, your influence and is where the power flows! You shall see a recovery of all!

For those who preach the gospel, following the call, the presence of God is your soft fall! God sees your diligence to work where you can, to demonstrate an example of being disciplined and taking personal responsibility! Like Paul, you’re not one to sponge off believers, you have worked hard day and night, doing what’s right! Your work is your worship and the King of Glory sees it all! The tangible presence of God is with you through it all!

In this season, it’s not time to cash in your spiritual inheritance for a pot of soup! Do the basics, do what you can, God is giving you strength and leading you and your clan! You’re going to be amazed at the progress in the decade to come as you continue to come! Stay the course, follow the cloud and not the crowd and watch and see as God brings you forward through it all!

2 Thessalonians 3:6-10 TPT

6 “Beloved brothers and sisters, we instruct you, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to stay away from believers who are unruly and who stray from what we have taught you. 7 For you know very well that you should order your lives after our example, because we were not undisciplined when we were with you. 8 We didn’t sponge off you, but we worked hard night and day to provide our own food and lodging and not be a burden to any of you. 9 It wasn’t because we don’t have the right to be supported, but we wanted to provide you an example to follow. 10 For when we were with you we instructed you with these words: “Anyone who does not want to work for a living should go hungry.”

Footnotes- Verse 6- Or “undisciplined” or “lazy” or “ not in battle order” or “not at your duty station.” There is an implication that there were believers who refused to work for a living. Paul is implying that the Church should not financially support those who refuse to work. Personal responsibility is a common theme in Paul’s teachings.

Verse 9- Those who preach the gospel have the right to be supported financially and deserve their wages (1 Cor 9:6-18) However, it seems that Paul’s custom was to earn his own way when he went into a city for the first time to show the truth of the gospel without mixed motives. His ministry in Thessalonica was somewhat of an anomaly. Because there were believers who were lazy and not working for a living. Paul gave up his right to have financial support from them and chose to work “night and day” (v.8 ) to be an example to them.”

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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