The Spirit of God is tying the ribbons on your past! Heaven saves the best for last! You’re coming through into all things new! Victory is in the air, you are his heir! Don’t loose heart, in the cross over you’re going to see a fresh start!

The journey has been long and it feels like a sad song, but in this season you’re going to gain strength and rise above and lead others out through the power of his love! The fire of his presence is leading you on, you’re on track, you’re not wrong!

You are in the bow and He sends you out as the arrow! You’re hitting the target in His time! He’s dealing with regret, you’re going to see the best yet!

God is with you in the monotonous and mundane! Where you feel your contibution is not valued, not honored, don’t loose heart, God has seen and is with you from the start! It’s not going to be thunder bolts and lightning, there’s going to be a peaceful part! Where you’ve faced the dart, you’re going to see God release you from the false start!

You are crossing over into a brand new season and it involves 2 by 2! INCREASE is upon you! The Spirit of God is bringing support, help, partnerships and alignments into your life, ones and two’s.

One’s that are one! The Spirit of God says, “COME!”

Some of you will need to move and others will have to make room! It’s a stretch, but God is with you in the sketch! He sees all the details, all the cares and all the worry’s and he says,

“I’ve got you son!”

I AM is here! Victory is in the air, you are his heir!

In this increase is a birthing dear! It’s darkest before dawn and you shall see the presence of God breaking forth son! Upon the dream, the God given desires and the partnerships that come! New connections, new alignments, you’re going to see God’s got you son!

Don’t give up now! YOUR time has come!!

1 Thessalonians 5:8 NKJV

“But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation.”

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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