The Spirit of God is strengthening hearts! You’re going to run your race at Heaven’s pace dodging darts! Don’t loose heart! Heaven has you from the start!

You’re going to experience strength and endurance to run your race at Heaven’s pace and this too shall pass!

As you give Him your yes once again, you’re going to meet Heavens’ best! It’s a supernatural exchange for mess!

Some of you feel done! Out for the count through prolonged process’s, maybe it’s been a life-saving-divorce? Others of you feel done after a loved one has passed and it seems like your best days are in the past! Heaven knows all you’ve walked through and his presence is strengthening you as you dodge darts!

The breath of God is strengthening hearts!

You’re going to feel again! You’re going to experience personal expectation and believe again! It’s not over for you friend, you walk in Heaven’s atmosphere and it dispels doubt!

You’re going to experience strength, you’re a champion who’s life is kept in close proximity to the King! He’s got this and he’s got you!

You’re not alone. Your destiny is won!

Keep going, keep moving forward, you’re protected and angelic hosts lead you. Heaven is in the middle and your life shall last!! The Spirit of God is strengthening you and the stent in your heart.

What’s in your hand right now? This is what you can sow! The season of sow and Heaven will add the go! The chief harvester knows! Just sow. Sow it all and he will add the go!

I hear the Spirit to God whisper,

“All you’ve walked through has given you grit and perseverance dear! I AM near! I’m giving you new shoes so you can grow!”

God is with you friend! Amid the anguish and pain of seeming delay! Mopping up messes and feeling like your life is one big lesson! It’s not over for you, you’ve just begun. In the times when it seems like your dream is done, this is where you leverage pain sowing it amid the, “I don’t know.”

What’s in your hand right now?

Write that song, write that story, pour it out for the One!! Don’t give up! Your heart’s desires are heard! As you steward the ‘word’ you’ll see the Spirit of God breath on what seems impossible and absurd!

God is with you in the stew! Don’t compare, don’t you dare! Come away and let the Spirit of God win the day! You’re on Heaven’s timeline and not another’s social media line!

Be encouraged friend, the Spirit of God is breathing upon the Word! Release what you have and watch and see as Heaven breathes on what seems absurd! (messages, books, poems, songs, an audience of one, your congregation, your family, all those God brings along).

Strength and longevity of life are yours! You are heard! He sees and that’s all you need, just be! One with the King as he leads you in his ring! New shoes you’re getting and it’s time to sing!

Proverbs 3:1- 8 TPT

The Rewards of Wisdom

“My child, if you truly want a long and satisfying life, never forget the things that I have taught you. Follow closely every truth that I’ve given you. Then you will have a full, rewarding life. Hold on to loyal love and don’t let go, and be faithful to all that you’ve been taught. Let your life be shaped by integrity, with truth written upon your heart. That’s how you will find favour and understanding with both God and men- you will gain the reputation of living life well.

Trust in the Lord completely and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make. Become intimate with him in what ever you do, and he will lead you wherever you go.
Don’t think for a moment that you know it all, for wisdom comes when you adore him with undivided devotion and avoid everything that’s wrong. Then you will find the healing refreshment your body and spirit long for.”

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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