You’re going to see the divine in your line! There’s a lining up in this NEW season and the LORD has seen. He has led you here. It feels bare but you have drawn near! You are dear! Supernatural peace has been released and you are free to be! Just as you are, you are won and the time has come for you to receive mercy miracles indeed!

Mercy kisses for all! Love has taken the fall! The past is done and dusted! God had a lamb before he had a man! HE knew the mess you would be in, and in that spin you have entered in! You are found and it’s time for rebound!

Those of you who were in previous marital covenants that were never in God’s design, are going to FLY! You’re going to see MERCY KISSES and not DIE! It’s time to see MERCY MIRACLES indeed! No more whipping yourself, no more paying a penalty for sin, curses and the sty that’s been in your natural eye! God is working it all together for your good! For your children’s, children’s children!! You came THROUGH your parents, not from them!

MERCY SEES YOU! You are sweet, meek, NOT WEAK! Doors of destiny are wide open! LOVE NEVER FAILS. The calling, the destiny, the things that pertain to you shall be seen, you shall stand tall! No more playing it small! You’re next in line and you shall see the dime! You are a heir! It’s time to advance as you stand tall! Everything that can be shaken has been shaken! You’ve been found faithful, in the Covenant the Father and Son made for YOU!


You’re going to see the dominion of God in your life and in your family line! It’s time to EXPECT divine alignments for the divine assignments God has set apart for you to do! Oil and water don’t mix and there’s been a separation from the mix! Where you’ve tried to mesh and mix in past seasons, now you shall see purity of two by two with the right one for you! There’s a rumble in the jungle and divine alignment for divine assignment shall be seen in 2022!

No longer shall you experience jealousy rooted in selfishness and pride leading to chaos in your home and strife!! The flesh and the Spirit cannot abide! It’s time to come up higher and receive wisdom from above and let go, no longer the past shall you know! God has cut you loose! You are meek, not weak, a beautiful harvest you shall know!

Peace is your portion as you’ve opened your heart wide! Yielding all, HE took the fall and gave you all! With humility you shall fly and not die! It’s time to let go of how, who and where, letting go of false fear! It’s time to embrace the NEW! You shall see the Kingdom of God leading you! Heaven is awakening hearts to destiny and the power of God’s love shall flow!

Dominion angels surround you! They protect you. God takes you and your calling VERY SERIOUSLY. You’re going to see divine alignment, equality for two, functioning in the realm God’s called you to! Divine assignment as your heart has yielded to process, allowing the divine to flow! In the tearing of the past, GOD has mended you fast! Now you shall see MERCY MIRACLES of DIVINE alignment for DIVINE assignment and go!


Genesis 1:25-26 TPT

“God made the wild animals according to their species, livestock, according to their species, and all the creatures that creep along the ground according to their species. And God loved what he saw, for it was beautiful. Then God said: let us make a man and a woman in our image to be like us. Let them reign over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the livestock, over the creatures that creep along the ground and over the wild animals.”

Footnotes- V 25. God had a lamb before he had a man. Metaphorically, Jesus (God’s Lamb) was slain before the foundation of the world. (Rev 13:8). The print of the nails was upon him even as his hands formed the world. As the Creator shaped Adam from dust, redeeming mercy was stamped upon him. V26. God is neither male or female. (John 4:22-24), but he has both male and female dimension to his nature. What is this image given to each of us? It includes personality, the capacity to worship, and the ability to make moral decisions (our conscience), and the ability to reflect God.”

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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