The gamete has gone down with Heaven’s sound and you are found! You’re wrapped in God’s furl amid the twirl! As Heaven sees, you friend have the victory!

I had a very powerful dream this week, it was so vivid, so real, his presence the seal! I encountered the Prince of Peace as he showed me his patient love. He is not anxious about you friend. He is patient in love!

He sees you in the lean and in-between. He sees you amid your desert of difficulty. He is there carrying you in that dark valley. YOU are on his mind, you are on time and He has the dime!

Your back story, your journey is all a miracle of God’s love! He has led you out to lead you in, and you are not done! You’ve just begun!! There is so much more in-store!!! He’s taking you above the fray in his supernatural way and peace has won the battle you face this day! It’s time to pey, which means to decree, YOU friend have the victory!

Peace is your portion and peace has won the day! You are here to stay! Breakthrough is upon you! You are breaking through ALL that’s kept you! The whirlwind of God is upon you! The presence of God sustains and is making a way for you!

You’re going to see Jireh your provider has fought for you! Upgrade is here! Breakthrough is here! You are dear and you are near. You’re going to see breakthrough as you declare!

Miracles in the air! It’s time to take the high road. Abraham choose the better way. He left all that was familiar and followed the cloud and not the crowd as God made a way. You’re going to see confirmation in the weather this day. God is speaking through nature, through circumstances, confirming his Word.

The government is on His shoulders and you are here to stay! (Isaiah 22:22) Where man has let you down, where you’ve experienced a shovel in the ground, the Lord has never left you and you carry his sound! The gamete has gone down!

You walk in Heaven’s victory this day! Breakthrough is upon you and you’re here to stay! The Spirit of God is your guardian amid weakness and suffering this day!

The RAM has the last say!
The LAMB has made a way!
I AM is your MAN!

It’s time to pray, with faith and patience you shall win the day!

Miracles all around, you carry Heaven’s sound! The God who sees steps in, like Hagar you are found! Your desert of difficulty is where the Prince of Peace is found!

I hear the Spirit of God say,

“I see you and you are found!”

You are wrapped in the provision of his presence, where patient love is found!

Genesis 16:13-16 TPT

“After her encounter with Yahweh, Hagar called him by a special name, “You are the God of My Seeing, for she said. “Oh my, did I just see God and live to talk about it?” That is why the well is called Spring of the Living One Who Watches Over Me. The well is still there, between Kadesh and Bered. Hagar returned and bore Abram a son whom Abram named Ishmael. Abram was eighty-six years old when Hagar gave birth to Ishmael.”

Footnotes- You are the God who sees me. You are the God whom I see. The Hebrew homophone for spring can also be translated “eye”.

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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