There are many rooms awaiting your arrival in the days ahead. I continue to have a recurring dream about rooms upon rooms that are above and beneath the current floor you are living in. This is a prophetic encouragement for many. In the days and years ahead you are going to see yourself arrive and move into new rooms.

These rooms represent your destiny, your calling and the good works God has called you to. In the floor above, the rooms have fresh carpet and are clean and spacious and have wrap around glass windows that look out over the cliff into the sea.

The sea represents the world and the windows represent the visions and dreams given to you and me. God is with you, you build upon The Rock.

You may feel like in this season you are at dock. The past season is gone and there seems to be no familar rooms in view. That’s okay, it’s time to RECEIVE FRESH BLUEPRINTS from the Captain so you can steward the mission with a fresh view. There are rooms down below and they are stored with provisions and all you need to go! (We’re talking about a house boat here, this is you anchored to the hope of Glory.)

Will you make room in your heart for more? Will you allow the Spirit of God to make your ceiling your floor? There is more in store and God is knocking on your door. On the chamber of your heart where he caught your attention at the start. It’s NOT over for your Sir. Your Church doors are not closed they are open!

It’s NOT over for your Mam. It’s time to allow your heart to soar! To see as Heaven sees, that you have the VICTORY and it’s time to let out that prophetic ROAR. Over every delay, over every doubt and over the discouragement that seems to have won the day continually knocking on your door. It’s time to wipe your eyes and EXPECT miracles and a surprise!

Be encouraged friend. You’re going to see NEW doors open! NEW rooms in your heart! Fresh vision from the start! I see you rising once again, strengthening yourself in the Lord! Bored with the comforts of hedonism and the world and its fools! Heaven is light and is bright! You’re going to celebrate and feel light! The heaviness and the burdens that have weighted you down shall not be found! It’s time for YOUR HEART TO BEAT WITH HEAVEN AND NO LONGER RETREAT! I see you looking through the window expectantly, relieved you’ve got fresh KEYS into new rooms and doors in 2022! It’s time to walk through them and soar!

John 14:1-7 TPT

“1. Don’t worry or surrender to your fear. For you’ve believed in God, now trust and believe in me also.
2. My Fathers’ house has many dwelling places. If it were otherwise, I would tell you plainly, because I go to prepare a place for you.
3. And when everything is ready, I will come back and take you to myself so that you will be where I am.
4. And you already know that way to the place where I’m going.
5. Thomas said to him, “Master, we don’t know where you’re going, so how could we know the way there?” 6. Jesus explained, “I am the Way, I am the Truth, and I am the Life. No one comes next to the Father except through union with me. To know me, is to know my Father too. And from now on you will realise that you have seen him and experienced him.”

Translators footnote 14:6 Or ’through (faith in me).”

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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