2017 Year Of The Sword

In June this year I had an encounter with an angel called truth who carried a sword from the Lord. I saw this angel thrust a shining sword into the center of homes, declaring a war on truth! A revelatory impartation was deposited into homes as the angel thrust the sword down into the ground. In this encounter, the angel called truth was appointed by Father to bring restoration to families and to homes. Releasing truth, specifically about the true nature of God.

I believe Father is raising up many new voices in this hour who will testify and shout from the rooftops that Jesus is Lord! Their lives will carry forward stability and longevity, delivered from orphan mindsets and years of wandering around in exile. There’s a release of power in this hour! Individuals shackled by rejection mindsets, will see pride and fear smashed off them as they are loosed by the fire of God’s presence. Nothing will be able to separate these ones from Father’s heart.  Many are going to encounter the fire of God’s presence in their hearts and in their homes!

Souls are going to be set free to be! Free to receive ALL God has intended them to be. No longer slaves and no longer orphans, but sons and daughters who will learn how to decree! As they do, they will see the King work wonders through their words and through their actions ruling and reigning through their God given authority!
The true nature of the father is being revealed to the world in this hour. Love a person, not a currency!

I believe individually and corporately at this time that we are going to see an exponential increase of revelatory understanding in the area of identity! I see that many individuals and families are going to rise up and grow up in their God given identity and release the authority of God into the situations they see.
Grace upon grace (5) and resurrection power in this hour! (3 x 777)

John the Baptist’s story has been ringing in my ears for the past three months. I believe we are going to see men and woman arise from the ashes. Fearless as they wield the sword of the Lord sharing the GOOD NEWS! God is not holding man’s sin against them. (2 Corinthians 5:19). People need to hear GOD IS LOVE!

Raised from the ashes of past defeat, I see many coming forth in this hour full of resurrection power! This is not a work of the flesh. Men and women of the world will be astonished at the power and authority flowing as sons and daughters arise. Grace upon grace, not held down any longer in the race! These ones will testify of his grace and many will believe and join ranks fuelled by grace!

I saw the sword of the Lord in the hands of sons and daughters and it shone bright. No longer dull and in its sheath, but on display and in its rightful place! Words of Life speaking to strife! God’s Spirit rests on the sword!

I see sons and daughters ruling and reigning exercising their God given authority! In his power and in his name, great exploits will be their aim!

This is a year of authority, leadership, Godly government and kingdom order in families and in homes, in communities and in cities and in nations! Many will go down to the river and experience the waters of baptism! Telling the powers of darkness who they bow to, and who they belong to! No longer orphans, no longer slaves but found in HIM!


Prophetic Book of Poetry

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