In a dream last week, I heard the word JOY over and over again! The following day as I was spending time in my best friend’s presence, I heard the Holy Spirit say,
“Many will turn from unbelief in this hour, experiencing JOY and PEACE that comes with Salvation! My Glory deposit flowing through you will set other’s free! My JOY in you reveals Me! JOY in you they will see! They’ll have a taste of Me that will set their hearts free! With JOY you shall draw water… from the wells of salvation!”
I see many of you experiencing the JOY of your Salvation afresh! Coming back to your first love. Finding your feet again. Some of you have been so battered and bruised by circumstances in this life!
I see loved ones coming to their senses! Waking up spiritually, awakened to destiny! Experiencing JOY! Families united spiritually with un-believing family members awakening to destiny! JOY! filling homes! Entire families encountering the presence of God!
Those of you who’ve felt dim, overwhelmed with the challenges you’ve faced, I see you REFIRED, IGNITED and LIFTING OFF!
“Come freely! Come boldly! My presence is the place to be! Watch and see as I give you strength and strategy! Problems you face melt like wax when you focus on Me! Give over your anxious thoughts, My Peace is your portion. My power you’ll see flowing effortlessly! This is My desire to flow in and through you, setting lives free!”
Recently, I was having a conversation with one of our son’s occupational therapists shedding light on the challenges we’ve faced as a family. Later in the piece the therapist said,
“I don’t know what you’re on, but you look incredibly happy!”
While it wasn’t necessarily an invitation to share my faith, I thought to myself,
“Oh! Wouldn’t I love to tell you!!”
No matter the size of the mountain(s) or obstacles you’re facing, there’s an invitation to come closer. To bask in His presence. Father longs to take you deeper into his heart! Deeper into his presence! To experience his dynamite power! His JOY is your strength! It’s His gift to you!
“Let Me hold you close, let’s go deeper into My presence. This is where you encounter strength to face the day. I am your SUSTANANCE. You can trade the thoughts that lead you astray. Peace is your portion as I calm the storm that you see! Cast your cares at My feet and come running to Me! I knock on the door of your heart awaiting to do My part! My precious Holy Spirit longs to be your help. My JOY is your portion, I’m here to stay!”
As it says in the book of James 1:2 (TPT);
“My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties see it an invaluable opportunity to experience all the JOY that you can!”
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