Rainbow Of Promise

I’ve felt such a strong stirring in my spirit these past few months as I see many in the body of Christ breaking into all things NEW! He’s wanting us to BREAK OUT of comfort zones. To BREAK OUT of mediocrity. To BREAK OUT of the status quo. Father wants to launch many of us into all things NEW! I see new networks, new communities and a breaking through into NEW places where we’re unfamiliar! I sense the Holy Spirit’s wanting to move many of us OUT so we can go IN. Into NEW territory! It’s going to take lenses that are clean and not smudged or skewed by our own views. It’s the heart of God, the heart of compassion that will lead us into unfamiliar territory.

As we say, ‘Yes Lord! I will go’, launched into NEW areas we will go!

I see the rainbow of promise, the seven spirits of God flowing in and through your life. The precious Holy Spirit, your best friend wants to launch you into all things NEW! He wants to catapult you into NEW SPHERE’S OF INFLUENCE! It’s going to take a willingness to go where He’s leading you through. Listen to Him, follow His heart. Wisdom and understanding is in the rainbow of colours.

“My favour, My courage, My seal is upon you, I send you now to GO into the harvest! Go now and do not be afraid! Your ID is found in Me. Keep your eyes fixed on Me! I call you strong and courageous. You can call upon Me day or night! You’re in the world, but not of the world.”

“The words I place in your mouth will make you a reaper. These new areas I send you will become your domain and I will place you in the middle of the grain. Remain abiding in My vine, wait on Me for My time. Even if it feels like wheat threshing under your feet! Keep looking to Me! You will reap in the grain in My Name.”

“No matter what opposition, distractions, obstacles you face, KEEP MOVING FORWARD! Daily, speak the truth over yourself and your loved ones. Intimacy with Me, will keep your mind at peace!”

I see many of you walking into ALL THINGS NEW as you keep moving forward! Humility and Grace and great COURGAGE will be upon you as you go! Bold as a lion, gentle as a lamb you will go. New territory, new ground will be placed in your hand. There’s an invitation, a release into greater levels of authority and a fresh deposit of Courage available in this hour! You have access to FULLNESS NOW.


I see the rainbow filled with God’s promises penetrating into the DRY PARCHED PLACES flowing through you as you go! Going into places in high ground and taking territory in that high ground and it’s going to be through new connections and new alignments and some of these connections and alignments are going to be quite astonishing at first! The connections will STUN you. You’re going to be stunned to attention!

The PEACE of God is your rudder and will guide you in that new territory and in those new alignments, in new relationships. You carry the TRUMP card, you carry the card of the Kingdom of God! You’re here to release HEAVEN ON EARTH and it’s through NEW relationships that He’s doing this in this hour.

“Keep moving forward! You’re about to walk into NEW things” says the spirit of God.

The power, presence and provision of God is your inheritance!

“I refuse to be ashamed of sharing the wonderful message of God’s liberating power unleashed in you through Christ!” Romans 1:16a (TPT)



Prophetic Book of Poetry

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