It’s a New Day

“A NEW DAY HAS DAWNED. I see many of you coming into newness. I see newness all around you. I see old things being made brand new! I see you skipping and frolicking like a lamb in Father’s pasture. Fed, nourished, watered. Jesus defines you!

I see greater depths of the Peace of God flowing in and through your life.


It’s a NEW and exciting day! Two steps forward, one step back will no longer be in your vocabulary. Strife turns to LIFE! The ups and downs and bumps in the road will no longer throw you off course. I see upgraded thinking and steady thinking, an increase of the supernatural realm of God in your everyday life. I see you as a living sign, demonstrating His miracle working power. Filled with wonder you’ll ooze His grace!

You will be astonished at the level of influence Father gives you as you partner with Him in this hour. I see many of you dining with the kings and queens of this world (local government, business, politics, media, sports etc.) As you dine you will share the wine of His Love.

The wisdom of God that rests in you will cause many to enquire. I see you advising and sharing Father’s guidance. As you make him the One you focus on. He’ll fill you with His delight and He’ll launch you into the right places at the right time. Some of you will meet people on buses, other on trains and some on aeroplanes! Don’t try and work it all out in your own mind and strength, just keep communing in the presence of The King.

I see divine connections! Appointments galore! Your life a highway of holiness, a highway of adventure!! Avail yourself. Expect Father to work in and through you. You are full of resurrection power! You are full of life! The honey of Heaven lives in you, is upon you and surrounds you! It’s sticky and sweet! The words will come and you will partner with God in the simplest but most extraordinary ways in the days ahead.

It’s a NEW DAY for you! The days ahead are full of LIGHT! You’re commissioned, qualified and called!

2 Corinthians 5:16-17 “Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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