Are You Ready?


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Coming, ready or not!

We’re all in this game called life.
Are you hiding or are you seeking?

Are you ready? He’s coming in the clouds.
The One who rules and reigns on high!
Coming for his Bride!
He says, “Come”.

I’ve had an insatiable desire to pray this year. Prayer is two way dialogue. It’s heart to heart. I find myself so desperate for more of God! I cry out to him, calling upon his name! He’s coming Bride, he’s coming- ready or not. Holy Spirit is calling us into greater levels of intimacy. To be snug as a bug in a rug. Not out in the cold, running around like headless chickens trying to secure the best deal, procure the latest fad item, running after this that and everything else. Filling our lives and ministries up with good things, but not God.

He’ll exchange your weakness and give you his strength!
You’ll be empowered from on high and like Daniel, do great exploits as you spread the fame of his name!
It’s the GLORY of God that’s bringing people into revelatory knowledge of Him. His beauty is resting on his Bride. On the lovers, the ready, sold out ones. With hearts postured toward Him, expecting him to show up!

Is he your first love?- You’re His!
You are the apple of His eye. He loves nothing more than spending time with you!
We’re getting to the pointy end of the scale now. The tide has risen. People’s hearts are yearning for the real Jesus. They are lonely.
We have the answer, we need to be focused in this hour! Not distracted with every wind of affliction, side tracked by the enemy or watered down by our own lack of self worth or unbelief, or perceptions that are not based on truth.

Identity is key to staying free! Look in the Book and read what He says about you. When the enemy comes with his cunning lies trying to cut you down and snuff you out. RISE UP WARRIOR. We are in a war! The battle belongs to the Lord, but you must stand your ground. Stay rooted and grounded in love and tucked under his wings.

We live in incredibly exciting times, despite the abhorrent things going on in the world, this is the greatest hour for the Church!
A friend told me recently of a close and dearly loved friend she had who dropped dead.
The shock and despair in this woman’s eyes sobered me.
I led her to the Lord and declared the peace of God over her mind and heart.

Time is short friends.

He is coming for us and I do believe He is being ushered in by the ready ones. By the sons and daughters who have their lamps trimmed, who are actively involved in advancing the Kingdom. These ones who are sold our lovers, will have double and triple and quadruple the mantles than others! God is serious about His kingdom being established here on earth and you and I have been enlisted into the greatest army that’s ever been seen. We are on the winning team! The Kingdom of God is ever advancing, it’s moving forward and it’s expanding at a phenomenal rate.

This is the day that the Lord has made! Rejoice and be glad in it! Get ready, the King is Coming!

Are you ready?

Matthew 25 The Passion Translation Dr Brian Simmons A Parable about Ten Virgins

¹“At the time my coming draws near, heaven’s kingdom realm can be compared to ten maidens who took their oil lamps and went outside to meet the bridegroom and his bride.[1] ²⁻⁴Five of them were foolish and ill-prepared, for they took no extra[2] oil for their lamps. And five of them were wise and sensible, for they took flasks of olive oil with their lamps. ⁵But when the bridegroom didn’t come when they expected, they all grew drowsy and fell asleep. ⁶Then suddenly, in the middle of the night, they were awakened by the shout, ‘Get up! The bridegroom is here! Come out and welcome him!’ ⁷So all the girls got up and trimmed their lamps. ⁸But the foolish ones were running out of oil, so they said to the five wise ones, ‘Share your oil with us, because our lamps are going out!’

⁹‘We can’t,’ they replied. ‘We don’t have enough for all of us. You’ll have to go and buy some for yourselves!’

¹⁰“So while the five girls were out buying oil, the bridegroom appeared! And those who were ready and waiting were escorted inside with him and the wedding party to enjoy the feast. And then the door was locked. ¹¹Later, the five foolish girls came running up to the door and pleaded, ‘Lord, Lord, let us come in!’

¹²“But he called back, ‘Go away! Do I know you? I can assure you, I don’t even know you!’

¹³“So that is the reason why you should always stay awake and be alert, because you don’t know the day or hour when the bridegroom will appear!”[1]

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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