Goodness and Kindness

 “Free as a Bird”

People fascinate me. Just the diversity in each of us and the fact that no two are the same. I love the rainbow of colors that each individual brings to the table called life!

Righteousness, Peace & Joy, these are the components that reflect the message of Grace in my life. My mouth speaks out the Good News overflowing from this amazing gift! The miracles that follow in many forms are sign posts pointing to the Goodness of God.

Sometimes, we can be looking for an overt sign that says, we are followers of Christ. The ones where there is evidence of the power gifts, such as faith, healing and miracles. What about the manifestation gifts of the spirit? The ones, that say something, like a kind word in season, or a prophecy that forth-tells the Good News?

It’s the work of the precious Holy Spirit to convict people of unbelief and a joy to participate with God as Ambassadors of His Kingdom on earth through acts and words that demonstrate goodness and kindness.

As Grahame Cooke says, goodness and kindness are the essential ingredients of the Kingdom of God. In the world good overcomes evil as we demonstrate these key ingredients. Partnering with God and releasing Heaven on Earth.

I was apart of a city soup kitchen in Perth a few years ago. I met Terry there. He told me how a simple act of generosity and kindness by a Salvation Army officer pointed him to Jesus. Terry wandered off a train one day and was approached by this man. “God has told me to gift you a car. What is your name, he asked?”  Terry was homeless and spent his days walking the streets of Perth and Fremantle after being released from prison. He had a successful trucking company in his previous life. Tormented by suicidal thoughts, he went out in the bush to shoot himself one afternoon, and got stuck on a trail track in his vehicle. There he met a man coming in a vehicle in the opposite direction. An argument broke out between them and Terry shot the  man dead. We had many long chats together at the city soup kitchen over a period of months and  Terry shared how the love of God through acts of kindness had drawn him to this place to fellowship with Christians.

The elements of goodness and kindness are essential  parts of God’s makeup and they are richly deposited in our hearts. He believes in us, even if we don’t believe in Him.  Each and every one of us is made in the image of God.  Taste and see that God is good and let the light of God that resides in your heart shine bright!




Prophetic Book of Poetry

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