Miracle Baby!
JOSHUA’S STORY Christmas week 2015 we found out I was ten weeks pregnant with our post snip miracle! Days earlier, on December 16th not knowing I was pregnant I participated in a high level intensity water aerobics session. After being in the pool I had a very big bleed and by the following day it […]
Embraced by Grace!
“I am in you and you are in Me. The storm that you face, blows you into My Grace! Nothing can separate you from My Face! I let out the sail, you’re braced by Grace! Destiny is found in Me, together we fly free! Nothing you face separates you from My face. I let out […]
Devotion and Promotion
I keep hearing the word promotion! The online dictionary describes promotion as, advancement, assistance, aid, help! This describes the essence of what I sense in my spirit for you in this hour. I believe Father wants you to know how incredibly pleased he is with you! Your devoted heart has set you up for promotion! […]
The angel of the Lord and the sword of truth
I saw the angel of the Lord with the sword of TRUTH in his hand coming amidst your situation this month and forward. The angel of the Lord is coming into your situation imparting clarity and healing. He is placing the sword of TRUTH right in the center of your situation. Where the TRUTH has […]
The River
“Come bathe in the river of my presence. Let my presence wash over you afresh this day. I am in the river and I am in you. I am taking you into all things new. I’m lifting heavy burdens off you. I’ve come to refresh you, to fill you anew. Fresh hope, fresh vision I […]
Healing is the children’s bread
“Every weakness and every dark place you face I’ve covered with My mercy and grace! I am your daily bread. The WAY, TRUTH and LIFE. Come, eat and drink of Me whatever you need. You are My absolute delight, precious in My sight!” Many of you are walking into new levels of breakthrough. You’re breaking […]
Land of Milk and Honey
THE LAND OF MILK AND HONEY Three years ago, days before moving from one end of our extensive city to the other, I made a fresh commitment to the call on my life as a prophetic voice in the nation(s). Peter and I were on the cusp of receiving the keys to a family home […]
Miracle Baby! Joshua’s story
JOSHUA’S STORY Christmas week 2015 we found out I was ten weeks pregnant with our post snip miracle! Days earlier, on December 16th not knowing I was pregnant I participated in a high level intensity water aerobics session. After being in the pool I had a very big bleed and by the following day it […]
Reinforcements are coming
REINFORCEMENTS ARE COMING Today, I heard Father say, “I’m bringing reinforcements in!” The tangible presence of God was hovering around my head as I heard Him speak these words. Then I saw a picture of many of you. Many have been standing solitary in their spiritual lives. Not alone globally, but personally it’s been a […]
Hope on the horizon
“Look to Me and lost lambs returning you will see! They’ll come running! Your phone will ring and you will sing! Songs of victory! Songs of unity!” “Set your table, the lambs are coming home led by Me!” Today, while meditating on Scripture I had a picture flash across my mind of a series of […]