Pursue My Presence
I see supernatural transfers taking place as you sit at the King’s table in 2017. Father has a baptism of fire for you! You’re going to stand up from feasting at Father’s table with a fresh authority! As you decree, MIRACLES YOU WILL SEE. “Come feast and sit with Me. I’ve laid a banquet table […]
Eagles Nest- the overcoming life!
EAGLES NEST- THE OVERCOMING LIFE The army of God is arising, strong and mighty! Many are awakening to destiny, shaking off mental shackles, setting aside differences, linking arms and marching forward! Unity and fortitude, your courage through adversity thrill the heart of the Father! Jesus has provided ALL that you need to overcome against ALL odds! […]
Grace Upon Grace
All week, bubbling up from my spirit, I’ve heard the words, “Grace upon Grace!” I’ve felt like a school girl every time I’ve heard these words, as there’s such an excitement full of expectation in these words. What’s in store thrills my heart even more! Jesus is enough! Yet, Father is saying, “There is more in store! I AM […]
You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet!
In a dream last week I was aboard a huge passenger plane, loaded to the maximum! The presence of God was being released through words of blessing spoken by a woman on the passenger plane. As the woman walked the isle of the plane the passengers all bowed their heads in reverance and those wearing […]
Party In Heaven
There’s a momentum that’s been building and Heaven is celebrating as many will taste and see the King of Glory revealed through you and through me!! Many will turn and see! I’ve been hearing the word ‘momentum’ with an excitement that makes my spirit sing, ringing in my ears in the past few weeks! Merriam […]
2017 Miracles For All To See
You’re going to see a radical transfer in 2017! The deposit of faith within you is coming to the forefront. WHAT’S INSIDE OF YOU IS COMING OUT! Many miracles will be seen in 2017! The nature of God in seed form is going to burst in and through you in 2017! Many will awaken to […]
Heaven’s Bells are Ringing
Heaven’s bells are ringing! There’s a clarion call out of Heaven right now to KEEP CARRYING OUT HIS WORD! (Joel 2) To stay the course, to keep your post! God has you exactly where He wants you! You’re His agent of change! As you wait upon the Lord, you’ll rise on eagle’s wings! (Isaiah 40:31) […]
Remnant Rising
“Individuals and family’s will awaken in this hour! From the overflow they will go! Calling forth generations into destiny! Generations will walk in the power, presence and promises of Almighty God! Generation to generation, the baton will be passed along.” “A remnant of lovers will pursue the spirit of God, held down by nothing and […]
USA, God is restoring you to your first love!
I had a vision this morning of the heartbeat of America. In this vision, I saw the nation of America being kissed by THE KING! I saw the hands of God drawing her near. His everlasting arms wrapped around her, massaging her heart. Then I saw the words “Emmanuel, God with us!” America is being […]
Peace Poets
“I am teaching My Bride to walk in love experiencing deeper levels of Peace! I am the Prince of Peace. The world will see My rich deposit in you, they will see My Glory and Grace. You will release Peace.” “I’m zoning in on the weary ones. My love seeks out those burnt by religion and […]