You’re going to see delivery and deliverance, delight! Dancing on injustice, the ROCK you stand, centred through it all!
Dance, sing, let out a shout! There’s breakthrough where you’ve been blindsided in an attempt to rob blind!
Where you’ve demonstrated deference face to face amid those blinded by folly, you’re going to see a demonstration of the Spirit’s wisdom and power!
2 Corinthians 10:1-6 TPT abbreviated-
“We don’t wage a military campaign employing human weapons using manipulation to achieve our aims. Instead, our spiritual weapons are energised with divine power to effectively dismantle the defences behind which people hide. We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God.”
Footnote from translator- Fantasy- “every scheme”- faulty patterns of thought that defy’s God’s authority!
You’re going to see JUSTICE over theft!
The time for delay, distraction, robbery, destruction of finances and health is OVER!
Many of you have endured years and years of extreme hardship demonstrating extraordinary patience through due process! There’s been nothing in it for you but time wasting nonsense and allot of pain! There’s been preservation of your life through mind-bending processes, you’ve been kept close, tucked up amid it all, tender hearted through it all, kept in the cleft of the rock!
Daddy’s daughters, Daddy’s sons! The rockets and litigious bombs landing year in year out have not finished you off!
You’ve been on the front lines of a military campaign for generations to come!
A diabolical attempt to take you out because of the calling for OTHERS on your life.
Lives stand in the balance!
A Moses, a Joshua, a Rahab, a Mary Magdeline- pioneer you’ve NOT been alone!
Established on Yahweh’s word!
Established on Yahweh’s blood!
Established on Yahweh’s voice!
Heaven led! Unflappable! Un-defeated! Un-stoppable! Never-ever-alone! One person walking with God is ALWAYS in the majority!
Heaven’s army cheers you on! Angels protect you, angels do your bidding! Angels are appointed to protect you!
Favoured one, you’re going to see RETRIBUTION IN 2025!
You’ve crossed to the other side, moved through mountains of impossibility, freedom Heaven’s decree! Led by love, the Shepherd leading you home!
There’s a HAND UP for you and a way forward as the horizon is full of light and hope at this juncture of time. There’s been much progress and many souls touched, home!
You’re called, chosen, set apart, alive to thrive! In GOOD hands, held, leading hearts home!
Kindness and compassion protects you and your offspring! The hardship, the theft, the coercion and audacity of the enemy to steal from Daddy’s daughters and sons, folly! Heaven’s ledger, Heaven’s hammer will deal! God won’t be mocked!
You’re going to see JUSTICE! The thief that came to kill, steal and destroy shall repay 7 fold! You’ve handed over control! The Captain of the Hosts at the helm! You’re in safe hands! Home!
I hear Daddy’s heart for you,
“You’re going to be fine! Keep your eyes on Me, I lead you home.”
Definition of fine- very high quality, very good of its kind. Excellent. First-class. Magnificent, wonderful!
The King of Glory with you, soldier, you’re heading home!
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